95 Atwater gets serum for diphtheria inoculations
Gloria (Stafford) Hansen and Harriet (Stafford) Dukelow
March 6, 1935
Dear Corinna,
Your letter written Sunday here. Sorry Russy was sick. Hope you have him all cured by this time. Suppose Antoinette is with you all day today. I think you are doing very well with the work and you will enjoy it—and again—you will be glad when Aunt Ev gets home I know.
Daddy said he would buy a box of candy and send Aunt Ev today. It will come to the house and Uncle ROC can take it to her. Just think she will be home in a week!
I’m glad you are learning all about ordering meats and having entire responsibility. I just wonder if you half realize the great priviledge you are having. I didn’t know anything when I was 18—and about taking care of children! Why I knew less than nothing!
When you are resting you can practice shorthand, and the Cicero you can make up when you get back to school.
It was certainly fine Mildred could come to see Aunt Ev and the baby. I just phoned to May to put it (Barbara Alice) in the paper so you can look for it, Monday.
Myron is going with the boys to play Brooten tonight—an extra game for some reason or other. Tomorrow the children will be inoculated for Diphtheria. Suppose you will read the story of how Atwater got the serum in the Press. Myron had a notion he didn’t need the serum, but Daddy promptly squelched that idea, by telling him he supposed he wanted to wait till he had to pay $5.00 for it. That is required on entering the U., I guess.
I was going to write to Aunt Ev, but I’m afraid she’ll be home before I get at it. I will try to get at it soon. Today I have been sewing at the green coat again. I don’t get along very fast with it.
The March Etude came today. There are some cute pieces in it for H and G to learn. They have written you each a letter again. Love from Mother.

Dear Kinney,
I suppose you are angry because I have not written to you for a long time. Have you seen the baby yet? I suppose you saw it March 1st.
We have just finished Japan in Geo. and we are going to have a test on it Thursday. I am going to have A in deportment in my report card also because I have 99 on the chart. We have a chart and at the beginning of the six weeks we each have 100. And each time we talk or get out of our seats without permission we are put down 1 point.
We are going to have a ceremonial meeting in C.F.G. around the 12th, or Birthday Week. May I wear your ceremonial gown? It fits me because I have tried it on. We may have quite a few new members. Clara, Lorena, Gert—maybe later than the ceremonial meeting. Three of the smaller Girl Scouts—Alice, Stella, and Mary S., are tired of G.S. because they never have social meetings nor play games. All three of them may join and Miss Stenberg doesn’t want them to.
We have Lucille Melin as a teacher in school now because Miss Carlson has –
Rheumatism, Rheumatism
How it Pains, How it Pains
Up and down the system, Up and down the system
When it Rains, When it Rains.
And it just has rained and ice is under the water and it is very slippery.
I like the name Barbara Alice. Don’t you? Your sister, Hiya.
Dear Kinney,
I know that the Baby is cute. Have you been there to see it yet? I wish you would write to me. Now we are having easy Long Division. I will get A on my deportment because 97 is A. Miss Stenberg has a cold and now we don’t have music. Mother says that she hopes that I can finished third grade in Music. Daddy just is here so I am going to have supper. Harriet is listening to the radio. Mother says that we should pitch right in and help with the dishes. This noon Miss Stenberg gave each of us a little Lifeboy soap and a chart and if we have washed our hands before Meals we put an X. The end of the month we get a pin. How is the Baby? Love, Gloria.
P.S. I am going to read my Geography. Mother is washing the dishes and saying, “What kind of a girl are you, Harriet?” Goodnight.