3 Ruth tells Corinna to save her letters
August 12, 1934
Dear Corinna,
We are just home from S.S. The potatoes are on and the steak frying. There were 23 at S.S. Your class read the lesson over by themselves and knew the Golden Text perfectly. Mrs.Stoffers was back at S.S. class but I couldn’t get anyone to take your class.
We received your letter Friday morning. We were mighty glad to get it. A few more details of your trip would be very acceptable tho.
I have been thinking you had better save all my letters because I plan to keep events up to date for you and in years to come my letters should be a complete diary of the doings of the Stafford family at home (for a year). You and Myron and Harriet and Gloria will then enjoy reading them—I mean in later life.

Last Saturday—or rather yesterday—Elvira invited the little girls and me out to a lovely supper. She also had Mrs. Christianson and Mrs. Estrem come and we were the Committee to plan the W.C.T.U. meetings for another half year. So we accomplished that, and had a social time in the bargain. The September meeting is to be at our house and Ethel Holm is to serve with me. I will miss you then too of course. One evening when Marjorie stayed all night, she and Harriet were sitting on my bed talking about you—and we said what we’d miss you as much for as anything would be your playing the piano. Marjorie said “I’ll say it will. I miss it right now.”
It rained all day yesterday. Early in the morning I baked 2 loaves of white bread we haven’t been able to get anything but moldy bread at the store for several days) and a cake and then we went to Willmar to look for a bike for Harriet. We found only one and that $30.00. So we came home and Ed Lundgren promised to look up prices and Reamer said he thot Daddy could get one wholesale from a tire house so now we are waiting for catalogues. For the time being Harriet is laying off from us but if Daddy doesn’t send for that catalogue soon I don’t know what she’ll do to him. Myron is going to lend her the amount she hasn’t yet earned on her route.
So many people ask about you and express themselves as so pleased to think you could have this opportunity. Everyone mentions the fact that you are very deserving of it. Mrs. Wilson especially wanted me to tell you of her good wishes for you. I was up at Passoneaus Thursday eve—(you know she wanted me to give the substance of the 4 or 5 amendments proposed to the State Constitution which are to be voted on by the voters at the November election, at the next League meeting.) I shall try to do it if I am here. But anyhow—while I was there—Mrs. Sarah just beamed when she told me how pleased she was that ROC cared enough to come and see her. Amy told me there hasn’t been a visitor in the house, since, whom she had not told that Russell Covell came to see her. (My sentences are often of poor structure I see but you can read them twice if they aren’t clear.)
Last night Myron went with some other boys to Willmar—he went to see his girl of course and today he is garage man while Daddy and Harriet are at the Kandiyohi ball game. Gloria has gone up to call on Stoffers’ baby and had the consolation of a penny to spend since she couldn’t go to the ball game. She hit me for a nickel first but came down to a penny.
Winifred has worked most of the week at the telephone office. I have seen very little of her. Mrs. Arneson has been in often to see me. Friday night we went to the school house to sing, together.
Daddy says he and Myron are going to see one double header Mpls. Game this year—he thinks we may go next Sunday. In case we do, H and G and I may stay 2 or 3 days. I would like to get a dark sweater for Myron and another white skirt while there.
I had tho’t there would be a letter from you this morning. Don’t neglect us—both Daddy and I will want to hear all about you and your family in Floral Park.
Love from your mother.