
82 Shopping trip to Willmar

February 5, 1935

Dear Corinna,

Daddy took Winnie and me to Willmar today and we bought a valentine for you which I will be sending Friday or Saturday. I want to take it in, a little for you, after I am thru with the W.C.T.U. meeting. I just furnish the house—the rest all serve. But that is enough to do—to get this dirty house cleaned up again.

There were so many pretty things in Willmar—everything looked new. Winnie and I had such a good time looking at things. Byron is going back to Mpls. tomorrow morning. He hopes to go to work in a week.

We have had two thawing days and much of the snow went. It is very icy mornings so it is so slippery out. I saw Myron fall at the outer steps by the school door Monday morning but he got right up—none the worse. Gloria and Harriet carry his books up for him and just now Jackie brought them home for him.

Yesterday afternoon the nurse talked to the mothers in the Assembly room. She gave us a lot of good advice. She said she’d noticed most of the H.S. girls wore sensible low shoes altho there were a few “on dress parade”. After her talk we went upstairs for lunch—and an informal time together. I enjoyed all of it so much. Mrs. Sorby, Ruth Anderson, Mrs. Richard Olson were among those who served. It was really a P.T.A. affair.

Myron rec’d your letter today. I sent Uncle Burness a birthday card.

H and G have been going to bed every night at 8 ever since the nurse examined them. So we are mending our ways in more than one way. Thursday is Mrs. Lundgren’s birthday but of course I can’t go to it. But I bought her a measuring cup set in red—1/4 size—1/3—1/2 and whole cup. It is so attractive looking.

I probably won’t write again till Friday as I’ll be so busy cleaning up the corners till Thursday. So you will understand if you don’t get a letter as soon as you thot. Love from Mother.



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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.