
79 Myron is laid up with a basketball injury

January 30, 1935

Dear Corinna,

Well the Stafford’s can’t say nothing happens. We have held open house today. Last night at the B.B. game at Paynesville, Myron fell on the side of his foot and cracked the bone in two on one side of his ankle and on the other side tore out the ligaments. It was right at the start of the game. It is swelled but Dr. Anderson and Leonard Peterson took an x-ray this morning and found the break. It pains him quite a bit but that isn’t what bothers Myron. It’s because he can’t go to school and play in the games. This morning he was pretty cross to everyone, to hide the tears that kept swelling up. But this afternoon he cheered up. Volberg Pearson and Elvira came to see me and I made coffee for them and he sat and drank coffee with them and visited like any other old lady. He sat by the Radio with his ankle up on pillows on the little closet chair. Can you see him? After school—LeRoy, Darrel, Donald, Miss Steen, Mr. Benson (with a bag of fruit), Lloyd, Harry came in to see him. Now, Mr. Benson came again with the boys, and they and Myron figured it all out, that he could just as well sit with his foot on another chair, down at the Kandiyohi game tonight and so they took him in the car down there. I don’t know what Dr. A. will say. He said to keep it up, and keep it warm with a hot wet Turkish towel for a couple of days and then he’d come up and bandage it and he could go to school on crutches. And, Volberg let us have the crutches F.A.Anderson used, tonight and he used them to go out to the car. Well, I can’t help it.

Now Miss Branae just called and was surprised to not find him here. She is on her way to Camp Fire meeting at the school-house. Harriet is going too, of course. So Gloria and I are holding the fort alone after a day full. I’m really glad they’ve all cleared out. Gloria is studying her Geography. She has learned to love Geography since she understands it better.

Your letter written Sun. eve came today. I read it hastily and then haven’t had time to look at it again since morning. Now Gloria has me reading Phyl’s interpretation of Humpty Dumpty over and over again. I am so glad Phyl loves you and you love to be with her.

Later     Now Olga Arneson came and we have been sitting visiting. She said to tell you she is the same Olga and glad that you are so well off. So you are getting fatter! I will try to send you a blouse or something for a valentine for your black skirt. I was thinking if you haven’t already bought Daddy a sweater not to get him one now but just send him a card and get one later in the Spring when you have saved more money. He will understand if we explain it to him that it will come later.

Daddy’s arm is better and now they are sleeping upstairs again since it got warmer. Myron will have to take the hot water bottle with him to bed for his ankle.

Forgot to tell you that Paynesville won the game 45 to 11—wasn’t that awful? They just lost all their pep, I guess. I hear the boys coming from the Kandiyohi game. I will try to get one of them to mail this. Goodnight and Love from Mother.

[On the back of the envelope: Figures indicating that in Feb. she got $2.00/week allowance and what she spent—sometimes .60, .40, .25, .50 cents a week. By March 10th she had saved $5.55.]



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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.