
74 Harriet plays Bunco at Camp Fire Girls meeting

January 18, 1935

Dear Corinna,

Your letter of the 15th here. Hope you did well in your mid-year tests. Myron is taking 6 weeks tests now, so he has been staying home studying this week. Tonight the boys play B.B. at Grove City.

Harriet went to a Social Camp Fire Meeting at Martinson’s last night. Miss Stenberg, Miss Branae, Mary Louise and Eleanor Peterson were serving. They played Bunco, and Harriet stayed so late that she was the last one of the family in. She was telling Gloria this morning about how late she was out and that she locked the storm door this time.

The snow is very deep but snow plows have been out on the roads so everyone walks in the road. Gloria and I went over to Edith Strong’s last night and I looked over her Etudes. I wanted to see what they were like before I sent for my subscription. It seems to be just as good a magazine as it was years ago when I took it. I will have it come here as you suggested and I will mail it to you if I think it contains what you would like. You had better write to Byron while he is in the Hospital. I am going to send him a card. Lundquist was in yesterday with a letter from Winnie—it said he was a pretty sick boy but felt better that evening.

I went to P.T.A. Wed. eve. Rev. Spaude was the speaker—good too—Mildred Brown played a pretty number and Mildred Lindquist Nelson gave 2 readings. The program was short and not so tiresome as it sometimes is. Gloria went with me as Harriet wanted to stay home alone and study for tests.

I am listening to the Mpls. Symphony Orchestra—it is on the Columbia Broad-casting System. Isn’t that something?

Today your company is coming and I imagine you are all very busy. I have let down the living room curtains and am going to press them today. I am doing odd jobs like that now since I’m through with the League meeting. Love from your Mother.


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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.