70 Ruth plays the prelude at church

January 8, 1935
Dear Corinna,
Today I have pressed my new curtains and put them up and the new bed spread on—we are using your blue sunbonnet cushion for a bed pillow. H and G enjoyed helping fix it up. Ironing is all done and the mending, too.
Gloria just came running home to get a Christmas present to show the class—they were to bring just one present and she took the doll carriage and doll and clothes. Last night when she was studying her Geography I asked her a question and she said, “I could answer it if you wouldn’t instabunt me like you do.” She meant “interrupt”.
I wrote to Elmer and Freda Sunday—thanking them for the turkey—and I told them all the news I could and told her to pass the letter around. I felt I’d accomplished something when I was through.
My prelude went well at Church Sunday night. Myron said it was good. There was no sermon—he just discussed the items on the order of service as we went along. I’d rather have a short sermon at least. I went home sort of empty.
How far is the scene of the Lindberg’s baby’s trial from Floral Park? I was just listening to the report on the Radio. You certainly have been seeing a lot of good movies. There was a list of the 10 best movies of the year in the last Time and I guess you have seen about half of them since you came to Floral Park. Last night Myron went to Willmar to see Shirley Temple in Bright Eyes—he said there were quite a few Atwater folks there.
Say I was thinking—would it be nice to give Lila Daniels that checked dress that we bought in Willmar for $2.00? I know it’s too short for you and you’ll never wear it. I’m sure she’d love the dress if she hasn’t grown too much this winter. I’d like to entertain them sometime if I could only get enough ambition because I think Minerva would appreciate it. They never come in to see me like Ella does. I think they are so down and out that she doesn’t care to go anywhere.
Harriet says Miss Carlson, Miss Stenson, and Miss Branae have come back with diamonds on their engagement finger. So I suppose there will be a change in the faculty next year.
Tonight we resume our Chorus practice—Myrtle and I will go and H and G and Bobby will stay together.
Daddy sits here eating his supper and Mitzy on one side of him waiting for the pieces of meat she gets. She is so jealous of Stromseth’s dog if Daddy pays any attention to him. She bites and growls at the other dog every time he runs to meet Daddy and then is his friend as soon as Dad gets in. They accompany him to the garage every morning and are waiting for him out here by the porch.
Myron is looking over two orations—he plans on entering the Declamatory Contest. He must have some ambition left after all.
I hope you are getting perfect lessons in all your classes every day. I do so want you to do well now.
I am going to write to Aunt Evelyn soon, but not till next week I guess. I am to entertain the League you know on Tuesday here. Love from Mother.