
63 Santa arrives in town in a truck and gives everyone a box of Cracker Jack and an apple

December 23, 1934

Dear Corinna,

Winifred came home last night—she had a ride up with someone and she is free till Wednesday noon. She works hard but enjoys city life a lot. She has been over here all during our dinner and is still here—now she is telephoning to her friends. Myron and Sidney have been practicing a number for the program tonight and Winnie has been singing with them. Donald Ramey and Darrell Dowdell are here too so this is a real young people’s house.

I am enclosing a write up from the Willmar Tribune of the Willmar Game. Myron thinks this is the first game Atwater has ever won from Willmar. He said Stanley Hydeen was the only Atwater person there besides Olson and Benson. June set my hair and H and G’s too yesterday, and was she disappointed because she had missed the game?

I have had cards from Clara of Bemidji and Edith Tousley and many others. Some I will write letters to for New Year’s but I can’t answer all.

I will enclose Uncle Burness’ letter. I wrote him a real good one last night.

The night they filled sacks at Christenson’s, Anna asked the girls to sings carols for Grandma, as the C.F.Girls had missed their candle in the window. So Harriet played all the Christmas songs in the book and the girls sang. Anna, her mother, Mrs. S.B.Glader and Mrs. Geo. Jones were the audience and Harriet said they seemed to like it so well.

Another package has arrived from you. I’m afraid you are sending too much. From now on save your allowance for yourself and we will be happy in knowing you can improve on the piano and do well in school.

I delivered your letter to Myrtle Friday eve before she left for Raymond. She came in and thanked me for it. I thot it was a very interesting letter.

Winnie says Paul’s may be up Christmas Day. Byron will come on the Bus tomorrow eve I guess.

We had a bad blizzard last night—the wind just roared around the house. The window sills were covered with dirty snow this morning and it’s very cold. The children have gone skating now but I don’t imagine they’ll stay long.

Santa came to town in a truck yesterday at 2. I went down too and watched Santa pick up the littlest girls and boys and talk to them. Some looked scared and some answered all his questions—he’d lift them up real close to him—some even hugged him. Paul Elliot was the lucky man. Everyone got a box of cracker jack and an apple.

Myron delivered a present to his girl in Willmar last night—her name is Ruthie Swenson. It was a box of hankies and a compact. She gave him a nice looking picture and calendar for the year—on a stand. There is a verse about Friendship on it.

I am rather worried about Mrs. Glader. She looks so frail lately—of course she thinks it is having so many teeth out but I am afraid her old trouble isn’t cured.

Your Christmas card came this morning and Aunt Evelyn’s the other day. They are nice both of them. There was one from Uncle’s Karl’s this morning.

I gave Gloria a puzzle map, like the one I sent Russy, for her birthday. She is learning so much about the states by putting it together. Sometimes when I help her with her Geography I answer the question wrong to see if she catches on that it’s wrong—(because she really should have reasoned it better if she had been thinking)—So last night I really unknowingly answered wrong and she looked at me and said, “Are you feeling funny again or something?” I thot that was hopeful for it showed she was really thinking.

The children got their bags in S.S. today. Now we must get ready for Service tonight. Love to you, Mother.


My dear Marvin,Ruth and all,

Am having a hard time to write 4 letters which should have been written long ago, but will do or die to do the job now. Where there is nothing new to write about get tired of saying the same old story. It just occurs to me that possibly routine and not the unexpected or unusual is the real part of living.

Leonard Poor, Millard Poor’s son was here again about a month ago. Owing to the lack of opportunity for work he enlisted in the Marines for 4 years more and by now should be back in China. Before his time to report for 2nd enlistment he was with his father for about a month. He stopped with me for about 3 days. He visited his Bro. Ira at Sacramento and I certainly enjoyed his visit.

As usual about 7 a.m. he threw back the covers etc. and ultimately devoured 4 hot cakes. Repeat the eating noon and night and at about 9 p.m. got beneath the covers,pause and repeat,etc. What a wonderful business.

The rainfall here is above normal (14 air planes in mass formation are passing almost overhead and now are being followed by 10 more. They are celebrating the 31st Aviation Day.), and that is much better than last year. That means California will be a state with flower gardens in March. Last year the flowers were small and scattered.

An elderly lady living near yet even a few doors from where I live will be buried at 3 p.m. instead of 1 p.m. So will finish letter and then attend the funeral.

I can’t tell you anything of the other BG Covell people. Occasionally I see one of them for Monday performance. Can assume at least that all is O.K. with them.

Did you ever hear of the Townsend Plan. It will not be long (maybe) till 200 per month will make glad hearts from the Atlantic to the Pacific. If necessary will quickly get a good manager to plan how to spend it. Of course will visit Pope Mills, New York State. Often wonder how many I once knew are living there.

Wishing you all and everybody a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year believe me. Most cordially Your Uncle, B.G.C. Address: 5756 A Herman St. Oakland, Calif.


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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.