
62 Harriet sings “Santa is coming to town” and Gloria sings a snowflake song in the school program

December 21, 1934

Dear Kinny,

I have just come home from the school program. It was good of course. Miss Stenberg’s room was packed with mothers and a few fathers. The 4 downstairs rooms gave the program together. Harriet with the group sang that new Song on the Radio—“Santa is coming to town.” I’m sure you’ve heard it. Gloria was in a snowflake song. She wore a white dress and they all had aprons of paper with a pocket in front from which they threw snowflakes. I should think the teachers would be all in.

Elvira and Beatrice went with me up there. Now they have gone home and H and G are delivering papers so quiet has settled down here once more.

Last night H and G went up to Christenson’s to fill candy bags. I didn’t feel good so I didn’t go. I guess Mrs. C. is going to send you a bag too. We will give the bags out at S.S. as it would not be right to give them at the Worship Service.

Gloria was telling me yesterday about the program. She said, “O Mother you don’t know how cute those little 1st graders are—especially Bobby.” Bobby did speak fine—smiled all the way through.

I have cleaned the house up a little today—but didn’t get any baking done. It seems to me I don’t accomplish a thing, lately.

Myron had to have a group of Short Stories report to hand in today—so he stayed home last night and worked. I was trying to fasten the wire in the bridge lamp top in the bedroom—last night—and all at once it caught fire—flamed up and burned the wire—I was scared to death of course and I shrieked. Myron came running and it was all over. But that really is a startling thing to happen to anyone.

We are going to give Lundquist candy, nuts and fruit this year. I don’t think he has a lot of money to buy such stuff with and I think he’d like it better than the usual sox.

Tonight Myron goes to Willmar to the B.B. game with Willmar’s second team. He says he hopes he gets agoing so he can make some scores. He was high point man in the game with Grove City.

Daddy bought some beef yesterday so now we have both pork and beef out under the tub on the north side of the house. He sawed it all up into nice little pieces so it will be easy to get when I need it. We had soup today.

We shall be thinking of you Christmas morning when you open your gifts. I suppose you and Russy and Phyllis will be up early that morning. I can just feel the excitement when I think of it. We will have ours Christmas Eve as usual—Daddy can stay home that evening.

Now during vacation Kinny I’d spend at least an hour every day on your shorthand. I am so anxious that you get that good over Christmas. That teacher has been so lovely to you that you really must be at the head of the class. You’ll do this, won’t you?

I imagine you’ll play the piano quite a bit on Christmas Day. Isn’t it lovely that you have the piano and can do that?

The stores are open evenings now—I am going down to buy some fruit and then I will mail this letter so you will be sure to get it Monday.

The best part of this Christmas is that you are in such a good place and having your chance. So goodnight and Love to you and all the family– Mother.





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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.