
58 Winnie takes a job at the Wartburg in Minneapolis

December 13, 1934

Dear Corinna,

I enclose the pictures. Myron is real cross in one of them because I didn’t get it taken soon enough. The wig had to be sent back right away so I took it Friday noon, the day after the play. He was much better looking up on the stage than in the pictures. I am also sending 2 of me and my hat. The bow doesn’t show on it I’m sorry to say. Can you find Beatrice Ann on the S.S. picture? Myron looked and looked and couldn’t find her. He thot she was Grace O’Hair’s muff. Myron is adjusting his hat on that one.

Some more packages came from New York today. I noticed there was one from R.B.Covell. We are not taking off any of the wrapping so as to avoid temptation. Myron is going to bring home our tree tonight and Harriet and Gloria will decorate as they like. They are glad they can boss the job.

Last night H, G and I went to P.T.A. Mrs. Olson was elected President so that’s settled at last. Mr. Rice gave an address on Music in the schools. Gertrude Crosby played Mac Dowell’s Concert Etude—I never have heard it before. She did it well of course—it sounded very difficult. Mr. Rice also sang.

Today I have been cleaning again—the Living Room—yesterday the bedroom and tomorrow I will tackle the Dining Room. Then we will be somewhat fit for Christmas.

Winnie left for Mpls. yesterday. She will stay—so the letter said today. She is maid at the Wartburg—works 6 hours each day—is to take up typing evenings at a school somewhere near. She will get Board and Room and $5.00 a month. Don’t tell that to anyone in Atwater as she doesn’t want it known how little she gets. She rooms with the daughter of the lady she works for. She probably will write you more of the details. Bernice Nordstrom got the letter and she let me read it. Winnie wanted her to get some of her dresses—wash one and send them to her. Poor kid—she’ll have to work hard for her $5.00 I believe. But it likely will be an opening for something better. Save these kodaks I send you of the ladies—I thot you’d like to look at them and you can bring them when you come home next summer.

You will enjoy driving the car I know, but do be careful at corners.

I have been up to see Melvina this afternoon. She was so glad I came. She had just baked bread and she gave me 10 lovely white rolls. She had just been spending 5 weeks at Mabel’s who has been in bed from an auto accident. Melvina said she kept track 2 days of the callers and there were 250 in that time. Mabel has always been so kind to others that they came from far and near to show sympathy.

Myron is beating a rug for me—not very graciously tho. He remarked he never heard of people house-cleaning in the winter. I wonder if it would have been any better earlier in the Fall. I wish I had Congoleum rugs in all the rooms and then I wouldn’t have to ask such tremendous favors.

We like Phyllis’ notes muchly. Myron will be going down town and he will mail this so Goodnight. Love from Mother.


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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.