
49 Ruth spends the afternoon sewing with Winnie

November 22,1934

Dear Corinna,

It has turned cold and it looks as tho Minnesota weather is in store—but we have had no snow. Your last Sunday’s letter speaks of Eleanor Winstein—who is she? You have never mentioned her before. Before I forget—Myron’s shirt size is 14 ½.

We would love to hear Phyllis sing her little song—Gloria said with envy in her voice, “Don’t you wish you could see her Mother, and here Kinny is right by her all the time?”

Winnie called up this morning and asked me to come over and sew this afternoon. I will go and bring my holey stockings along. I told her they should come over for Thanksgiving. I’m not much interested in holidays this year and besides I’m getting lazy. I’d much rather read, play the piano—listen to the Radio—anything but cook.

I’ll have to tell you about a good joke on Gloria. Yesterday Harriet went up to the Library and on the way back Myron grabbed her and held her and teased her and told her she had been sent up to Mr. Olson for punishment. Mr. Olson came out and overheard him and he said, “Oh, no, Buddy, she’ll never get sent up—but the little one might.” Gloria got the point right away when Myron told us about it and she burst into tears. I’m sure she’ll do all in her power to never be sent up now.

The Norwegian Lutheran Church had a supper last night. Myrtle was at the head of it of course—they have so many workers tho that they don’t mind it like we do. She said they had more to work than they could find jobs for.

From now on, Kinny—you must get each daily lesson in school perfect. Don’t let a single class slip by unless you have mastered it. Evidently you like the work at home and the piano better than you do studying. I am practicing at least half an hour every day on the piano—I have done so ever since you left. Wish I could get back some of my old finger action.

Gloria looks so pale and thin ever since she was vaccinated. The sore is about healed but she has no appetite and I even have a hard time to get her to drink milk. I bought a can of Cocomalt lately—I think that is a good way to get her to drink milk.

Winifred has signed up for three of the 4 subjects offered in Adult Education—they are typing, shorthand and Bookkeeping. She has Daddy’s typewriter—she is so interested. They meet Friday nights. Of course they won’t accomplish much but it will be a start toward something higher later on maybe. There are about 40 Adults taking the Course. Winnie is also taking cooking and sewing and attends Chorus. I wish I had time for the Business—but I’ve got more business at home than I can cover right now.

Harriet brought me a book from the Library—The Old Wives’ Tale by Arnold Bennet—it has an English setting—and I like it. The only thing is, it will keep me from working as I should.

Gloria will mail this for me. She and Virginia are in here, giggling. Goodnight and Love to all. Mother.


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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.