
45 Ruth gives a reading at Norwegian Aid

Gloria (Stafford) Hansen

November 12, 1934

Dear Kinny,

Your letter written after you had talked things over with your shorthand teacher, is here. I think she is a very understanding person. I think both she and Aunt Ev are right in advising you to stick to the shorthand and typing. I hope they will let you drop Algebra and just take the 2 business subjects and Latin. If they do, you will be able to do much better in shorthand from now on. Things usually shape themselves pretty well, I’ve noticed—haven’t you?

Winnie is working a little more this week so she is glad for a little more money. Myrtle Herr is taking a vacation for part of the week.

I forgot to tell you that last Friday I gave that same Reading over in the Norwegian Aid—Myrtle had asked me to give the same one I gave at the Swedish Aid. My old classmate, Stasia Samstad, was there so we had a little visit—she is just as thin as I am.

I am going to try to start washing ceiling and walls of the kitchen tomorrow. It’s just real dirty now and I’d hate to have Magee or Annie or Nellie come and see it. They haven’t been up for a long time so I’m sure they’ll pop in some time soon. I cleaned my pantry last week.

Darrell Dowdell was in last night and he and Myron studied something for Book Week. They looked at the Cartoon on Foot Ball that you sent. They want to go down and usher at the Minnesota–Indiana game next Saturday. I think that is the last game of the season.

Bobby went back to school this week. He is pale and thin but feels good. Myrtle told me today that she has been appointed to the County Welfare Board in Mrs. Danielson’s place. The appointment is for 3 years. She will have to go and inquire into cases where girls are to be Mothers and place the child where it will be best cared for. She also helps decide on the merits of the Mother’s pension. I think she will be a very good member of the Board.

Myron just tore in for cake and cookies and back he went up to school for play practice. Gloria came in and got a lunch too and is gone to play with Virginia. Harriet scolded this noon because the teacher was going to keep the whole grade just on account of a few not knowing the History lesson. So she will be late with her papers tonight—she always hates to be late. I will have her mail this for me so this is all. Love from Mother.

I enclose a note for Aunt Ev concerning Christmas.


Dear Kinny,

There is bad news. Joe Pickle has small pox. At two-thirty we went over to Donald Nordlie’s party. We had Jello and buns, Escalloped potatoes and cocoa, candy and cake. This is what he got from Genevieve—a great big sucker on the cover of it, it said the biggest sucker in town. Then he opened a chemistry set. Harriet, Marjorie and I gave him a knife. Shirley Holm gave him a shirt. Elmer gave him a Rubber knife. We had lots of fun. Lots of love, Gloria.

P.S. Bernard Jensen tore my black skirt. We wore our new sweaters.


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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.