
42 Games after supper: “Button Button,” “Bird, Beast or Fish,” and “Hooky, Hooky, Hooky”

November 5, 1934

Dear Corinna,

I am sending for the John M. Williams First Grade book for Russy. I have ordered it sent direct to you from Boston and I will pay the bill. I want you to read all of the first part and use the same method as described in the book. I only wish I had had something so cute and interesting for you and Myron and the little girls. It wouldn’t have been drudgery then for both you, children, and me and as I said before it eliminates changing from the G Clef to the Bass Clef later on. I should have sent for this long ago so you would have had it in time to start him right away.

Tillie is sitting here watching me write to you. I told her I wanted to get some letters written and she didn’t object.

Tonight I have to go up to Christenson’s to a Ladies Aid Business meeting. Tomorrow I must vote, and meet with Mr. Olson about some W.C.T.U. work and attend Chorus in the evening. This week is starting out worse than ever. Life isn’t stale with so many activities besides house work.

Yesterday afternoon Elvira persuaded H and G and me to come out there to supper. Daddy and Myron got their own at home. I think Elvira gets lonesome and wants a chum. John Anderson came there while we were eating supper. He talked politics the whole time—got so excited he just hollered at us—you know how he does.

After supper the old folks all played games with the children till church time. They played Button, Button and Bird, Beast or Fish and Hooky, Hooky, Hooky. You’d have laughed till you ached to see John Anderson’s big hands dropping the button in Gloria’s or Beatrice’s little hands. He always got caught on Bird Beast or Fish. In the Hooky game you had to name your left hand neighbor before the one that was it, said “Hooky” 3 times. Everybody entered into the spirit of it and we had a good time. Mrs. Wilson’s brother Alfred Gray was there too.

Here comes Harriet from school and I want to mail this so I will close. Tillie says Hello—she says Corinna always would say “Hello” to me whenever I saw her. How little it takes to please her! Love from Mother.


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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.