
32 Ruth talks to Myron about putting up the storm windows

October 18, 1934

Dear Corinna,

I am sitting by the kitchen range with the oven door open and dressed in woolen stockings and a wool dress—so you know what kind of weather we are having today. I have begun to talk storm windows to Myron. I am just preparing him for the size of the job by telling him there are 23 storm windows—2 panes on each side making 92 panes to wash and the 23 windows on the house making 46 more to wash. He looks thotful as I tell him. I told him Uncle ROC used to wash and put on storm windows when he went to the U and it’s time he’s learning so he’ll know how.

Tonight there is a Legion play at the Hall—you’ll see it in the paper. Harriet and Gloria are in the Chorus—Myron in the orchestra which will practice here right after school. Daddy had to buy a ticket so I will go on that as he says he cares nothing about going. H and G think it’s marvelous—full of jokes I guess is all. Well, I’ll go and have a good laugh anyhow.

Last night we—Myrtle and I, went to P.T.A. Geneva played a very lovely solo and Bernice gave one of her Norwegian readings. Mrs. Passoneau talked about our own County—physical characteristics, History—government and Criticisms. We have just finished studying it in the League you know but she made it so interesting that everyone sat spellbound. Rev. Trelstad sang a solo. I played for Community singing. Ethel Holm refused to be President and Olga Peterson—vice—presided. No-one would take the presidency so it was left until next meeting when more would be present.

There is a small pox scare in Willmar and towns about. Think we will have the children vaccinated.

Arnold Arneson told me Tuesday eve I had been appointed as clerk of the Nov. 6 election if I would accept. Mrs. Passoneau is the other woman on the election board. But he said I would have to be up till at least 4:30 or 5 the next morning so I just declined and thanked him much for the honor. I would have been paid $7 or $8 so it was a temptation but Daddy said it was a good thing I said No for he knew I’d be sick before the time was up. When they count the votes men come in and smoke and he said the air gets foul and you know I just have to go to bed nights. Are you ashamed of me because I’m so useless? I am.

Bobby stayed here last night while we were at P.T.A.. He sang a Halloween song for us—a long one too and carried the tune and recited a poem To a Fly. He’s gotten so big and independent acting and Myrtle says—willing about things.

The report cards came yesterday. Harriet was good, Gloria only Fair. Myron had 2 A’s and 2 B’s. A’s in English and American History—B’s in Latin and Chemistry. His B in Latin is 94. So this time I signed only 3 of them.

I baked white bread today—it’s good as usual—pardon the brag.

I think from your letter you had an interesting week end even if Aunt Ev and kiddies were gone. Glad you could ride into the Grand Central Station and meet them—you mean you drove in, in the car, don’t you?

I can hardly keep warm this afternoon—I think I will go and start a Furnace fire. If the storm windows were on I don’t think we would have to fire so much. That is the next suggestion I’m going to make to the male members of this family. That may appeal to Daddy.

Which way do you go to get to the Presbyterian Church you attend? Do you ever see Audrey Brion at school? Or like any of the students there?

Well, I must sew a little– Love to all, Mother.



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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.