
28 An old tam gets a makeover and Ruth sews an old skirt into a dress for Gloria

October 10, 1934

Dear Corinna,

By the time you receive this, you and Uncle ROC will be keeping house. I am glad Aunt Ev can go and have a little change. You will be so busy with everything that I know you won’t mind.

I have my tam on—Nellie Nordstrom brought it at noon. It looks like a bought one—instead of a made over one. I wore it most of the afternoon—just like you would do. There was a cute black bow on the old hat and she put that on the top to one side. She is a very clever milliner. I asked her how much it would be and she said, “Nothing” but I told her Marvin would give her some gas for it. I wonder how much they charge for making a hat now.

Myron sits here eating his supper. He just noticed it and said,”Where’d you get the hat?” I told him. He said, “Pretty nifty.”

Yesterday I made that old red knit skirt of Pearl’s (that you wore year before last) over for Gloria. I put black silk sleeves and collar on it. She wore it to school this morning and both Miss Stenberg and Miss Stenson stopped her and looked it over. They asked what it was made of and Gloria answered “a skirt”. They laughed and said that her Mother was a fine sewer.

I will be so glad to get the warm stockings and we will all enjoy the things you are sending I know. I will write to Aunt Ev when it comes.

Well as to fleas, Uncle ROC used to have ‘em, too. I’ve seen him try to put his finger on one many a time. They weren’t from a cat either. They were just everywhere. Those were the good old times—were they ROC? Anyhow there were many pleasant things besides fleas. I’ll never forget the time Minerva had one between her fingers and thot she’d look at it to see what the little pest really looked like. But when she looked, it was gone.

Harriet and Gloria are very glad to get Russy’s letter. It is very neat and plainly written and I’m sure he worked hard over it. It was worth while being sick to get 5 toys.

Myron is trying to finish up his last tests for Eagle Scout. He will get the rank at the Court of Honor this month.

I haven’t been able to get Ed McHugh since the new schedule came on—I wonder if he sings anymore.

Yesterday, Myrtle Arneson came in with her work and we spent a pleasant rainy afternoon together. Today has been ideal summer weather again. Well this is all for tonight. Love, Mother.


Dear Kinny,

Thanks for your little note. I think I will try that dinner surprise on Sunday. Uncle Karl’s may come then. You don’t need to send money like that. I’d rather you keep it for things you may need there. But thank you anyhow.

I believe it would be better for you to buy those napkins. It would just be more work for you to wash them and I think you are busy enuff now and perhaps Aunt Ev would rather not have the mess around. You see they would have to soak and I wouldn’t want you to bother with it and have it standing anywhere. So I am enclosing $1 which I wish you would use for that. It will buy them for a few months and then I will send you another dollar when you have used that up.

That was a break about the train trip wasn’t it but that was allright—you didn’t know, and you had to say it to find out. It will be a good thing to stay home and take things a little slower. You go an awful lot and are on the jump all the time it seems. You will have a little time to read, over this week end. Don’t you ever go to see Audrey Brion?—you maybe could go over there and play the piano a little.

I suppose you will get this on Friday or Saturday. Doesn’t Uncle ROC ever go anywhere? Does he seem to be worrying about things? No doubt he has all he can do to make ends meet. Men do have their worries too but I think he ought to try to enjoy Aunt Ev’s relatives and friends too. Aunt Ev is surely full of pep isn’t she. I wonder what time in February she will go to the Hospital.

I’m sure God put that tune in your head last Saturday. You do have lots of blessings don’t you—one of them is being busy, so the time goes along pleasantly for you. And oh how glad I am you can go to school and that you are where you are safe. Be careful at school so you are never left alone in any room where some man might molest you. One reads of such awful things. And now goodnight dear little Kinny—Your Mother.


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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.