
2 President Roosevelt’s whistle stop in Willmar

August 9, 1934

Dearest Corinna,

We were much disappointed this morning not to receive a letter from you. Daddy and all of us were sure you would have written that soon. Remember we are going to be so anxious to get your letters. I hope you will write twice a week. My letters are for ROC and Evelyn too.

Elvira called us last Tuesday and invited the two little girls and me to go with them to see the President. We got there at 7—listened to two bands play alternately—first the Willmar Band and then the Raymond. At 8:10 the train came and Elvira and I were so short and far behind that we only dimly saw him. He gave a short talk which we heard easily. Harriet and Gloria were in the front line with Mr. Reamer—they even saw the color of Mrs. Roosevelt’s dress.

Myron had the car that evening and went to see his girl. Winnie was there too with the Jones’ and she and Marion saw their boy friends.

We had a good rain Tuesday morning at 4 a.m. and Wednesday night again. So things are green and lovely. I saw Lucile and Genevieve outside the Big Store yesterday. I was downtown with Harriet and we delivered papers together. The house was so empty so I had to do something to chase the blues away. On the way I stopped and saw Dolly Boliou’s baby boy. He has brown eyes and dark hair.

Myron came home today and said Mrs. Adams’ sister in Litchfield had hung herself. She is the one who was a twin to the MOTHER of the baby Richard Olson’s had. Mrs. Adams told me about her life—how he had tired of her, and family life, and told her he wanted to be free. It preyed on her mind so she didn’t care to live. She had a 12 year old boy. Mrs. Adams seems to be very sad—he Myron had seen her in the store this morning.

Myron came home early from work last night and played the piano half an hour. It was very painful—I mean the piano playing. You know how it sounded—so you can have a laugh with me over it. First he tackled ( the only word that expresses it) Wollenhaupt’s Study then he passed on to hymns. But he didn’t put in any overtime as usual. He suggested that we play duets but by that time I was nearly asleep and he declared it was his music had done the trick. I let it go at that without arguing.

Mrs. Bard was over this morning to see how I was getting along—she cheered me up by saying I would soon get used to it.

Of one thing I am sure—when I think of your wonderful opportunity, I can never wish you here. Winifred was in this a.m. and talking about this and that and I thot of you and how glad I am that you are not growing stale in this town as she must needs do—unless she determines to apply herself to some thing progressive.

Life goes on and on for a time it seems in a tiresome way but this time it opened up to you in a wonderful way and there was no mistaking the hand of Providence. And I hope you will see endless opportunities to be a blessing to Aunt Evelyn this year. I think I shall send this letter even tho I have not heard from you—you may receive it Saturday which I hope you will.

Should I make you some pajamas for sleeping? Would you like flannel ones for winter? Now always answer my questions. I will get a pattern and cloth if you decide so.

Gloria is going camping next Wednesday. Lundgren’s family and Wallace Retzer’s went to Eagle Lake to camp for a few days yesterday.

Rev. Jackson called this morning. He was going thru with a large tent in which he is going to hold meetings in a poor district near Owatonna. They have a baby girl one week old. Her name is Sylvia Ruth. This is all now.

Love from your Mother


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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.