17 Ruth rides Harriet’s bicycle
September 15, 1934
Dear Kinny,
We enjoyed your typewritten letter. I’ll keep it as well as your others and will see how much you have improved a year from now. I’m pleased to the utmost that you are going to the H.S. Boy—what a priviledge to see the inside workings of a school of 1800 or rather 1801. You feel like I did when I went to St.Cloud tho we were only 6 or 700 there. I remember I felt lost even in that building. I think your subjects are great. The Algebra will be hard for you but concentrate in class time and you will get it.
No I didn’t think Cicero was as hard as Caesar. But I took Cicero the last year as we took Virgil with the Seniors when we were Juniors.
Yes Harriet’s bike is an old story now. She rides it every minute she isn’t in school or helping me. It’s a real good one—just now she went down town for me for the Saturday eve groceries. I am too tired to do anything but sit. Myron took us to the Co. Fair this P.M. The Atwater band is playing up there today so he bro’t us home and then went right back. Daddy didn’t like it so very well and thot we could have caught a ride home with someone but I asked a few and no one seemed very anxious so I’d rather be independent and come on my own gas. I saw Bertha LaSalle (who worked for us in the “Dudley” house). We had a good visit—also Minerva and Ella and Aunt Nellie. Doris Hanson and Elvira Gunner sent you greetings. H and G should be satisfied—they went on the merry-go-round and ferris wheel and had popcorn and ice cream. Myron took first prize on his hall tree and Harriet got second prize on something—her LEAVES booklet. Daddy delivered the papers for her—I guess John Brown stayed in the garage then.

Miss Stenberg and Miss Carlson came over this morning and got their plants. It’s a good thing as I’m sure it’s going to freeze tonight. That will be the end of the lovely outdoors. The flowers have all been so pretty since we have had so much rain. We had another hard rain Thursday evening and a quiet rain all day Friday.
I cannot find either your birth certificate or baptism. I am sure I have never had either one. I wonder if the place to write would be the County in which you were born. Uncle ROC will tell you and you had better write for it yourself.
Winnie went to Mpls. as I told you. She saw Uncle Karl and I think he thot she could find a job later—I haven’t seen her to really find out what he said. She worked this afternoon otherwise she would have gone with us to the Fair.
I baked 6 loaves of bread today—2 of graham and 4 of white and I sent Winnie over one loaf. Wish I could give Aunt Ev one too.
Yesterday afternoon was a holiday for Atwater School to go to the Fair but we didn’t go as you know—So Harriet baked a birthday cake for Marjie and put a bouquet of sweet peas in the center and I made her a print apron and we brought it over to her. Marjorie liked both things a lot—she was in bed sick with stomach trouble. So none of the Lundgrens got to the Co. Fair this year.
H and G and I went in to that Nelson Orchestra—the one man playing 30 instruments. It was beautiful—the last piece I think was “Listen to the Mocking Bird.” It cost us 45 cents which was high of course but it was all I spent money for and it was what I cared most about. We stayed in there at least half an hour.
Hope you received the “new” outfit I sent you Thursday. I plan to write to you every Wednesday and Sunday—so you know about when you can expect letters from me. It takes quite a lot of time to write letters. But of course I like to write them.
Mr. Olson has already sent in that paper to the Collegiate Center but I spose that doesn’t hurt anything. I’ll have to tell you what he wrote—he came over and showed it to me. You are an average student—the 12th one in a class of 23—83+%–excellent character—likable girl—from an excellent family—accomplished pianist—giving of yourself freely for both the school and community.
Sunday 32 at S.S.– Just a lovely day. Daddy has gone to a Ball Game in Willmar and Myron is in the garage. I rode down on the bike and he was having a good time—Darrell, Rand and Donald Ramey were there. I also rode out to the Cemetery but I walked down the hills until I caught on how to use the Coaster Brake. Now I work it just slick. Harriet is kind of sorry I know how. I rode easily right from the first. We took some pictures today so some will be coming soon. Then I rode over to see Mrs. Lundgren and she rode it. Wish she had one so we could go places together.

So you nearly never got your letter finished—that’s what a bike does to the children when Mother starts riding. Now I think I’ll ride down and mail this letter—or shouldn’t I be so immodest as to appear on Atwater’s main street on a bike?
Now we will be looking for news about school.
Love from your Mother.