
16 Some motherly advice

September 13,1934

Dear Kinney,

This is just a little personal note to you. I love to have you write and tell me all the little incidents of your new environment because I know you feel good to have someone to tell it to and besides I like to know. It is very good for you—all these new things that are happening to you—God just has to make a strong reliable woman of you and so he is sending you all sorts of new contacts and new adjustments to make. He expects you to meet them in the right way. He doesn’t want you to chafe about anything because that wears you down but you must accept it all and turn the thing over in your mind and see what it’s good for. After all we—I—you—bother so about little things and never stop to think we could do it all with “nonchalance” if we would only will to do it that way. Because this advice is something my own nature needs worse than yours, then I can see that you need it too. Be patient about the piano business. Tell yourself it is for your good and that you cannot expect things all your way. Besides I am quite sure Uncle ROC lives up his money and you have seen enuff of money troubles at home to know that if there isn’t any, there isn’t any. Besides I believe God is making you be without a piano for a purpose. He has to make the lesson hard so you will never unlearn it. Tell Him,God, about it and that you want only the best for you even tho chastening is hard to bear. But one thing sure—a sweet sunny nature on your part all day long will go a long ways toward making you happy and also the ones that you are with, which should be your strongest aim now. And I think you are doing that—you have found out that the life of service is the only happy one.

As to the school business—just let things take their course—don’t decide too much—whatever is at hand is what God intends for you.

I wonder if you would be able to go to S.S. this year. If you do, I think you should get up early and work and not leave things undone. But if it seems to not work well, then don’t try it. Anything that makes any tension—you shouldn’t try—because you will be happier with good feeling all about. But I do think Aunt Ev would like to have you in her church—perhaps you could talk it over with her. You would know best about that. I think her church means a lot to her.

Your description of Uncle ROC’s conversation about Social Science was good—so typical of him and you too. He was just annoyed to think it couldn’t be more easily arranged and so, like me, he scolded about something that couldn’t be changed anyhow. But I do know that Maxine and Eleanor had to take languages at the U—Spanish for one thing. I think Uncle ROC is pretty much right.   I try to write general news to you always, so the folks can see what we are doing too so I just thot I’d put this little personal note in for you. I want it to help you in your thinking—let me know if it does.

And about the Dr. business. It probably has been a little hard for Uncle ROC to meet all his bills after that expensive trip And you know a person can be very irritable when money is tight. It just unsettles everything when money is scarce. So just be patient. You’ve seen how I’ve had to wait for things and it’s good for me, and so, tell yourself the same. It’s a lesson for you to live within your means. I think 5 cents at each service at church is enuff in the collection. You must look ahead a little. Much of the money troubles in houses come because more money is spent faster than it comes. Watch yourself and save ahead for a rainy day. Or was your idea to give one tenth of your weekly allowance? If so you would give 20 cents but I think perhaps some of that could be for charity.

So the next unexpected thing that comes up—say to yourself—“Let’s be philosophical about this, Corinna. What’s it for and is there any good in it and how should I react.” By that time you won’t do anything hasty.

And you know Kinny—that’s just ROC’s way—he’s abrupt—and not tactful and honest and great-hearted. Analyze him yourself and make yourself not mind his abrupt ways and love him for his big heart. Love from your Mother.



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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.