14 Harriet’s bicycle arrives

September 9, 1934
Dear Kinny,
Your letter’s here and I’m so glad to know your toe will get well. I know you do worry about the expense and I’m sorry too about it, but be careful of it now so it will get real well and then you can make it up in lots of ways. Do whatever Aunt Ev says in taking care of yourself because she knows best about those things. You know I kept telling both you and Dr. Anderson that you ought to keep off from it—tho of course the thing could never heal till all the nail was out and proud flesh cut away anyhow.
I had to laugh at the word you used for Phyl’s rash—didn’t the Dr. say toxic? We have had such a good laugh over Phyl and that cake. I go around telling all these sayings of hers that you write me so that I guess I’ll have to stop or I’ll get to be a bore.
Your card here asking for your shoes. I will send your coat and a few other things too. I haven’t done a thing to your blue skirt yet.
Well we didn’t go to the Fair. Daddy just couldn’t spare the money. Maybe we can go next year. It was so sweet of you to send me the $3.00 from your graduation money but I won’t use it. I’ll save it for you—tell me something you want else. Would you like a flannel robe like mine that I got from Aunt Frances? I’ve been looking at them in the new Sears Catalog.
Yes I think you ought to write a card to Magee and Nellies. Malmberg:-4253 10th Ave.S. Nellie and Annie:-4111 E. 39th Street. Address it to Annie first, I think.
W.C.T.U. went fine. The house was clean and I had bouquets all over and my cake turned out good. We were only about 20 here. Olga Peterson, Andy and Esther Larson all came late for lunch. Then they stayed till after supper time and visited with Ethel Holm and me. I wasn’t very tired either. Yesterday I finished canning the pears and 3 pints of beans from the garden. Today I haven’t done much of anything. I usually write to you on Sunday but I thot I’d better write today because tomorrow we will go to the Hall picnic. Daddy will go along and Myron stay in the garage.
Harriet’s bike came this morning but not the handle bars and Harriet is so disgusted. She sits on it most of the time. It was right behind her while she practiced and I noticed the practice stopped often during the hour but I didn’t say anything because I thot it was a special occasion. We will write for the parts today and she ought to have them by Tuesday. Myron lent her $10 and Daddy lent her about $3. She got her bill today and she made $4.76 this month. So she paid Myron $4. already. Another 2 months and she will be all out of debt.

The chorus worked fine last night. They didn’t accept our constitution tho. Requirements for membership and attendance were not drastic enough so they asked us to improve it for next week.
Ruth Stoffers came this morning while June was setting mine and Myrtle’s hair. She had been up to Arnold Anderson’s first. So June set hers too. I paid June 15 cents this time as Betty Lundgren told me she always paid her that. I apologized to June and told her I hadn’t known any better.
Oh but it’s lovely today—I must go for a walk. Daddy is going to sell the Pontiac so spose our riding days are over for awhile. I don’t care—walking is good for a body.
Sunday eve—10 o’clock.
There were 34 of us at S.S. today. After S.S. Nellie Peterson came and visited while I was getting ready for the picnic. She went to Sumner Glader’s for dinner so could not go with us to the picnic and then went to Mpls. this afternoon. There were 25 of us out there. We went to the woods down S.E. of Aunt Nellies—it was a lovely spot right by the spring and running creek. Carl Hall had turned his cattle into another pasture because he had promised Ella and me there would be no bulls there to spoil our fun. Aunt Nellie was so little and cute today—We all just loved to have her along. She said she will be 80 in October.
Then tonight just as I was putting things away—in walked Nellie and Paul Muhly. I was so glad to see them and tell them all about you folks and Corinna being with you. They stayed till just now and then I realized I hadn’t finished your letter so late as it is, I am going to finish it. How Nellie and Paul and Daddy and I have talked! They, as everyone else, are sending you Corinna, congratulations, on your good luck for this year. They are on their way to visit one month in Iowa.
Myron has gone girling I guess. He has written you a letter today he said. And now after such a perfect day of meeting friends and knowing the joy of remewed comradeship, I’m going to bed loving you Kinny and thankful you are well and happy. Good night. Your Mother.