
138 Methodist Church has 75 year Jubilee Celebration

June 6, 1935

Dear Corinna,

Myron wrote to you last Tuesday while I was at Elvira’s birthday party. Today we have been to W.C.T.U.at C.O.Peterson’s. There were a lot of women there—even Aunt Nellie Hall and her sister Mrs. Carlson. I had charge of the program—presented the Social Morality Department.

Tuesday eve, I had to give a Reading at the M.E. Community Program—it seems to me somebody is always asking me to do something and I’m so busy trying to get my house cleaning done. I clean a day or so and then have to quit for some doings or other. I have all the dust out of the 3 big rooms now and will wash a little wood work as I have time tomorrow and Saturday. Why it will be time to leave for New York before I know it.

Harriet got the supper tonight while I was gone. She has lost 2 paper customers the past week—Benson and Isenbergs. Gloria went along to Peterson’s today.

The Methodists are having a 75 year Jubilee Celebration this week till Sunday and the town is full of preachers. So Virginia is sleeping here with Gloria and are they tickled?

Myron was real loud again in his sleep last night—I heard Marvin trying to get him to settle down. He told me this morning he thot he was driving a car into a river and he was pushing the foot of the bed so hard with his feet to put on the brakes that his ankles ached this morning. And then of course he was hollering the whole time.

It is real cold yet. I put on woolen stockings and bed sox and sweater every night for bed. Even H and G have worn stockings and sweaters in bed. We just heat the kitchen and the rest of the house is like an icebox. Frost is predicted for tonight again. Last night it was cloudy which saved the garden and flowers from freezing.

Sunday is Alumni and of course I’m going. 187 yes cards have come in—they expect at least 200 this year. I am on the Reception Committee so Frederick tells me. Broman Coffee Shop serves the Banquet. Glad to get the card of the Great Waltz. And glad you went to N.Y. and had that Drive along the river. I’ve been there too.

Love from Mother.


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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.