
125 Ruth buys seeds for the garden

Gloria (Stafford) Hansen and Harriet (Stafford) Dukelow

May 10, 1935

Dear Corinna,

There is a letter from Frances here, which I think I will send on to you so you all can hear of their plans too. Of course I will write to her and say I won’t attempt the trip—there are so many reasons why I feel I can’t. But one thing is sure it is mighty nice of them to ask me again. If it turned out that we could go—we could do that later and you could have two trips. But I think you had better come with Paul’s. I’m afraid now you will not know at which place you would rather be. You have two homes now. You will tug at your heart whichever place you leave.

Harriet and Donald sang very nice in their Specialty. It was Sweethearts on Parade. First 3 H.S. couples sang some Sweetheart song—then H and Donald sang “Little Gypsy Sweetheart” and then Carol Nelson, Carol Holm and 2 Lundstrom boys dressed as Negroes sang “Let Me Call You Sweetheart”. Gloria and I went the first night. Last night Donald took Harriet home—he told her Kenneth had said to him he should do that. She came in, giggling about it. I liked the play very much.

Yesterday afternoon, Esther Glader and I went over to see Wilton Broman’s baby boy. I even had lunch there and I’ve never been in her house before. It has been cold several days but today it is warming up and perhaps we can get along without a fire some of the day now.

I am going down town to buy seeds this afternoon and maybe Daddy will get up early tomorrow morning and put them in—also I am going to buy some birthday presents.

I have cleaned the bathroom, front hall and downstairs closet this week. Next week I shall tackle the pantry. It’s terrible. I’d hate to have Magee come and see me with it that way.

The leaves are not out on the trees yet. They surely wait till the weather is warm enough for them. But the apple and plum buds are getting ready to burst open. Suppose they are all out in New York.

The boys played Litch yesterday. Litch won 20-2. Myron was so foolish about it. Daddy surely teased him for his being Ass’t Coach. Today they play Dassel. In another week Myron ought to be walking. Will he appreciate that? S’pose Russy rec’d his letter.

Love from Mother.

Dear Kinney,

I am writing to you on a rainy day. Mother said I could go out and play after I had written to you. Now Bobbie came and said, “May you come out?” And I said after I’m done.

Miss Steen came downstairs to have us sing and I sang just as good as the rest and she didn’t let me because Harriet was in it. Mother cleaned my coat. Last night I went on the paper route and tonight, too, because H had to practice for the play. Love, Gloria.

Dear Kinney,

Mother says for Buddy’s birthday you better send him a book for clarinet and piano, too. Fox Album of Clarinet Solos—Vol. II.

Well here comes the news about our Camp Fire Bridal Party:–

Well, when we first we first got there we all got on our clothes, (Jean Anderson, bride)—(Mattie Johnson, bridegroom)—(Shirley Holm, ringbearer)—(Myrtle Applegren, preacher)—(Doris Solmonson, Best Man)—(Ailene Herring, Best Lady)—(Marjorie Lundgren and Harriet S. flower girls). Myrtle Applegren, Phyllis Edmund, and Ruth Melin had written some funny sayings down and Myrtle (preacher) read them. The last was “Now Scram”. We then changed our clothes and came downstairs and all sat down. We then went in the dining room and blindfolded stuck a bunch of flowers into the Bride’s hand.(or rather tried to). There was a picture of a bride on a large sheet of white paper and we each got a bunch of flowers (small) with glue on the back we then tried to put them in the bride’s hands. Phyllis Edmund won the prize. We each wrote our name underneath and a little thought. Miss Branae will keep that forever. Then we went back to the living room and the lights were put out. We each had a pencil and piece of paper and something to write on and we drew a horse, a bridegroom sitting on him, a hat on his head, reins in his hands, and also a pillow with a ring on it. We then named him and wrote out names on the other side and handed them in. I will send you mine. Clarence Ellsingson is Miss Branae’s future hubby.

Then Bobby Larson brought in a large basket full of presents. Miss Branae opened them and from the C.F.G. she got a pair of rubber pants with MickeyMouse figures on them and a bib, a nice set of dishes, and also a card of pins with garters on it. She laughed when she saw it. The other gifts were towels. She got some cute salt and pepper shakers from Esther Larson. From Helen Anderson (Jean’s mother) she got a window cleaner and some LaFrance. The dishes were glass and could be used to bake things in. They were different prices some at 29 cents, some at 59 cents, and some at 89 cents. We got her a lot of them. When she was opening them she tried to thank us and almost got tears in her eyes. I guess this is enuff. Love Harriet.

P.S.—We then had a swell lunch. Marjorie won the prize for drawing the horse in the dark. H.P.S. ATWATER.

Corinna, did you get as nervous when you read this as you used to when I told all the details about things at home? You used to say—“Well, thank heavens, that’s over.” Harriet S.

[Note from Harriet (Stafford) Dukelow, typed in 2001: Aunt Frances’ letter suggested that if Mother came along to New York with them, that she could bring one child. They would leave June 22nd, and she sailed for Europe with an Aunt June 29th. If Winnie could not take care of Pennie when Uncle Paul returned with her, she suggested Corinna might be able to care for her. She would be paid. It turned out that Corinna did take care of her. HSD]


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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.