
12 School starts and Harriet looks up bicycles in the Sears catalog

Harriet (Stafford) Dukelow

September 5, 1934

Dear Corinna,

School has been running a day and a half and all three children from this house are glad to be back. Gloria says Miss Stenberg is so cute and little. Harriet went early yesterday morning to get the seat nearest the door so she can be door-keeper.   Myron thinks Olson is fine in American History and he likes Chemistry too. He and Darrell Dowdell are the only boys taking Latin. Myron is taking that to improve his vocabulary with an eye to being a lawyer.

I put in a big working day yesterday. I ironed in the morning and right after dinner Harriet baked a cake and I a coffee cake, as Mrs. Nordlie, Mrs. Holm, and Mrs. Arneson were coming to frame that Constitution for the Chorus. I had just sat down to practice at the piano when Ella Hall and her two youngest came to visit. She brought me cream and a gallon of milk. So she and the girls stayed too and had coffee with the Committee. We spent a very pleasant afternoon together. Ella has had her hair cut and I’ll tell you who she looks like now—Elvera Gunner. The two little girls have just had their tonsils out so they looked rather peaked.

Ella and I planned a “Hall” picnic for Sunday. We are going to meet at Minerva’s and then let her choose a nice spot for a weiner roast somewhere out near Lake Elizabeth. We will go right after S.S. I am looking forward to it because I like to keep up a little of the old associations with them. I so seldom see them anymore, you know.

Today I have been cleaning up the house for the W.C.T.U. ladies tomorrow. I have baked a chocolate cake and Harriet wants me to make a white 7 minute frosting for it so guess I will—to please her. I will buy the bread which will make it much easier than to bake. Mrs. Holm will bring one cake and graham bread.

After school today I am going to bring the fish to Miss Stenberg. When Mrs. Nordlie was here yesterday we told her about the fish names and how Corinna had jumped out and died—and how Genevieve was always up ready to eat when the food came in. One day I was lying on the davenport and Genevieve was pestering one of the snails right at the water’s edge—she clicked the snail so hard against the edge of the bowl that the next time I looked there was a crack running up from the water’s edge to the top of the bowl. I’m sure that is the way it happened for I heard quite loud clicks as the snail hit the glass.

Bards are to stay in this church another year. I suppose they are quite disappointed not to have a change. Bernice is still in Chicago—may not go to school this year. I wish they could have gotten a better place.

It is good to know that your toe has at last been properly cared for. I hope the pain is all over by now and that it is healing. It will be good news when you can write that it has healed. Think how long it has been an open sore! It’s a wonder it ever gets well. Aunt Ev is good to pay the bill. I hope some day we can do something for her. You must stay well from now on so you can do your part.

Helen Roberts’ address is 103 E. 16th St. Minneapolis. Winnie will send your pictures soon and I will have some more pictures taken on my film.

The Sears catalog came today and Harriet and Daddy studied bicycles. He said if we’d stay home from the fair he’d advance her about $3 and she could get her bike now. So now we’ve been to the Fair “again”—this is sarcasm. It doesn’t make a lot of difference I guess.

Bobby started school yesterday. Mrs. Arneson went up with him and stayed a little and then came home. Soon he ran home crying and she had to take him back. But today he likes it, and went to school singing this noon. Bobby Larson started too—he was entirely unconcerned about it. Walter Stromseth likes it fine too.

Daddy bought me a box of pears so I have been canning a couple of quarts every morning. They are just lovely ones—and are ripening fast so I will have to finish them up on Friday.

Joey Passoneau broke his wrist last week while climbing. This week he climbed a tree and fell and broke the other arm. I imagine Amy thinks there’s a jinx after her family as Mr. Passoneau was attacked by a hog and hurt not long ago.

Just saw Miss Stenberg—she asked all about you and took your address.

When does Russell’s school start? Harriet has a new customer—Benson. Well—we shall look for a letter from you tomorrow. Love to all the folks and you—Mother


[Postscript added to Ruth Stafford’s letter by Harriet.]

Hurry up and write to me. Harriet



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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.