
115 Ruth lugs the radio down to the garage for Marvin to listen to the ball game

April 18, 1935

Dear Corinna,

Harriet is sewing on a linen towel for Miss Branae. The Camp Fire Girls are giving her a towel shower next meeting. Each one sews their name in a corner. It will be at Esther Larson’s next week I think and Mrs. Swenson and I help serve.

Myron and Darrel have been putting on screens today but when the time for the ball game came, down to the garage they went to listen. Yesterday, Daddy called up and hinted he wished he had the Radio down there about 2:30, so I hurried up and changed my dress and took it down under my arm. It was pretty heavy but I managed it. Then I did a little shopping and met Elvira—she invited me to go to the Swedish Ladies Aid with her. So we came home and I put on my green coat and new hat and we went over. Esther Larson was there—she whispered ,“How nifty”.   I said, “I made it out of another one.” Helen Anderson said, “If it wasn’t you that said that, I wouldn’t believe it.” Which all speaks for itself.

Well the boys had a good time. They got home at 1:30. LeRoy and Rand went along. Aunt Esther sent up my new curtains—only 49 cents a pair so I got them for $1.47. She is the best shopper for a little money that I ever saw. Of course they’re not elegant but they look allright. I sewed the tops since dinner and pressed them and they are already up. Besides that I have a new oil cloth—large blue and white checks—not glossy oil cloth but Fabrikoid I think is the name of it. So we are gradually replacing some of the old worn things.

Aunt Ev’s and your letters here yesterday. We laughed at Ev’s description of Uncle ROC working. The men are all alike but we can’t get along without them. Well it would be nice to come with Paul’s but maybe Marvin would never get there. We shall see. It was too bad about Mr. Howell losing his job. He’ll surely soon have another. Byron is thru at the Gas Plant. He was out looking for work yesterday when Myron was there. We’ll think of you next Sunday at the Easter Service.

I have cleaned Myron’s closet and his room today. So I am tired. Now all I have left upstairs is the big Hall. There is so much talk about trips this summer, that I made up my mind I’d get the upstairs cleaned in April and the downstairs in May and I, for one, would then be ready, for any opportunity that offered itself. Did I tell you what Betty said when we were talking about it? Well I’ll tell it again then. She said, “Well she won’t be thru till June anyhow even if she does begin the 1st of April.”

Myron and the boys brought Frances a chicken from me and then went in and played a little Ping Pong. Harriet didn’t take her lesson today as Miss Crosby didn’t come. Love from Mother.



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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.