
102 Marvin gives Ruth an electric corn popper for her 45th birthday

March 21, 1935

Dear Corinna,

Your card here this morning and Thank you for the sweet verse. There were letters from Pearl and Lutena and a card from Esther too. She said they might be up Sunday as their present would have to be brought.

Mrs. Bard came this afternoon—also Betty and Myrtle, Elvira and her mother. We had such a good time—they had their work along. Betty gave me a collar, Myrtle a quarter, Elvira holders and Mrs. Bard a fancy hanky. Daddy brought home an electric corn popper which we used at noon of course—couldn’t wait. I’ve always wanted one. I served Cheese Apple Bread, Fudge Squares and Bran Cookies and coffee. I’ll send you the recipe for the Cheese bread.

P.H.Peterson was buried today so Mrs. Bard came over after the funeral. Linden’s home will be pretty empty from now on.

Lutena writes she is well but wishes she could be in Minnesota again. She mentioned you and Uncle ROC’s of course and I will write her soon and tell her about you all.

Pearl said her mother’s feet had bothered her all winter and she finally had to have 5 corns cut out of one foot and they will operate on the other one later. Earl is still home and Lowell teaching in Lindstrom. Mr. Malmberg is anxious for summer so he can get out and putter around on the lawn.

Last night I was at Book Club at Helen Anderson’s. Mr. Passoneau gave the Report on “The Road of Ages” by a Jew. It was very well given—he concluded by reading a couple of typical chapters. I didn’t stay to lunch—I wanted to get to bed.

Harriet took her lesson today and it went fine. She will bring a Recital piece for her next time. Now Harriet has gone to Eleanor Peterson’s birthday party. Gloria is out roller skating. She doesn’t even have time to eat.

I wore my royal blue silk dress to League the other day but it is too long and I wasn’t comfortable in it. I am going to shorten it. Sometimes you have to wear a thing awhile to find out how it looks and feels best. Last night I wore my black dress.

The speaker at P.T.A. was great—there was a good crowd out and Atwater is up to the minute on information about T.B. now. P.T.A. plans to have all Atwater Children be offered the “Manitou” test next Fall. The talk really prepared the parents to see the need of it. I think Atwater P.T.A. is about as progressive and useful as any P.T.A. could be. Esther Larson and Amy Passoneau should have the credit for starting most of it.

And so my 45th year has ended and I’m a middle-aged woman as Tillie said. I really should have asked her to come today. I have thot of you often today and knew you were thinking of me. I hope all the folks are well tonight and so Good-night. Love from Mother.


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Atwater, Minnesota: 1934-1935 Copyright © 2019 by Ruth Dukelow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.