50 2018
January 2018. The Cataloging Committee’s annual Cataloging Workshop at St. Kate’s on January 8 covered APIs & Analytics, Database Clean-up, and 963 Clean-up. The Acquisitions Committee presented an Acquisitions Analytics Workshop on January 19.
The CLIC Board approved a contribution from the consortium to support Minitex’s Minnesota Library Publishing Project (MLPP). Hamline and Northwestern libraries also made individual contributions to MLPP.
CLIC’s landlord, Family Tree, announced their plan to sell the 1619 Dayton property in 2018. Maureen Fitzgerald and Ruth Dukelow met with the prospective buyers on January 12 as part of the due diligence process and were requested to submit a Tenant Estoppel Certificate to confirm CLIC’s existing lease.
February 2018. The Executive Committee contacted three local consulting firms, and Dukelow scheduled meetings with each to outline CLIC’s proposal requirements. The Executive Committee indicated that they would like to select a consultant in the spring of 2018 and to begin the strategic planning process in late 2018 or early 2019.
The A-Team reviewed the Committees’ checklists to determine any overlaps or gaps. The Board delayed review of CLIC’s overall Committee structure until after CLIC has completed the first year on the Alma/Primo system.
March 2018. CLIC’s Research and Instruction COI hosted “The Future or Un-future of the Academic Library: a CLIC Unconference” on March 1 at Concordia. There were 20 breakout sessions, and CLIC archived the notes and photos on the CLIC Member Library Google Drive. Members of the Research & Instruction COI will give a presentation about the Unconference at CLIC’s April 11 Conference.
The Collection Development Committee offered the Board a variety of proposed formulas for a shared ebooks fund. The CLIC Board reviewed the proposals and voted to adopt the “Orbis” formula (30% flat rate, 35% FTE, and 35% materials budget) at $75,000 for FY19.
The Board gave the A-Team an assignment to prioritize CLIC’s top issues/concerns with the Alma/Primo system to bring to Ex Libris for resolution. The A-Team discussed their prioritization assignment and determined that the top two issues are 1. KnowledgeBase and 2. resource sharing and other consortial functionality.
The Board approved a sponsorship contribution to the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium.
April 2018. More than 90 people attended CLIC’s event, Reimagining the Academic Library, at Hamline University on Wednesday, April 11, 2018. In the morning session, keynote speaker David Lewis, Dean of the IUPUI University Library and IU Assistant Vice-President for Digital Scholarly Communication, presented on Reimagining the Academic Library. Wendy Pradt Lougee, University Librarian and Dean of Libraries and McKnight Presidential Professor, University of Minnesota Libraries, addressed The Evolution of a Diffuse Library, and Tanya Grosz, Ph.D., Dean of Graduate, Online & Adult Learning and Assistant Professor of English, University of Northwestern-St Paul, addressed Open Educational Resources: Z-degree program and OA resources at UNW-SP. In the afternoon session, Kent Gerber, Scott Kaihoi, Nathan Rinne, and Lizzy Tegeler presented on the Unconference outcomes. In the final session, David Lewis moderated Ten Things to Do Now, a CLIC member library panel comprised of Rhonda Gilbraith, Jon Neilson, Amy Sheehan, Anne Beschnett, Jessica Moore, and Ann Zawistoski, University of St. Thomas.
Members of the ILL Committee met with OCLC representatives on April 25 to learn about Tipasa as a replacement for ILLiad.
Dukelow attended ICOLC in Detroit, including a visit to MSU libraries to see the results of their Greenglass storage project. She gave two presentations at the conference: a panel presentation on consortium management issues, “What Keeps Me Up at Night” with Cindy Clennon from CARLI and Mihoko Hosoi from the California Digital Library, and a presentation on Ebooks Minnesota, MLPP, and MN Writes MN Reads.
May 2018. The CLIC Board began planning for CLIC’s 50th anniversary on April 15, 2019, and sent out a call for photos for a CONTENTdm 50th Anniversary collection.
The Executive Committee received proposals from three consulting companies and scheduled in-person presentations in June.
June 2018. The CLIC Board renewed the CLIC Office lease for a two-year term, ending October 2020.
Augsburg’s collection was been removed from CLIC’s CONTENTdm. The Board asked Dukelow to direct the Digitization Committee to provide a recommendation for a replacement for CONTENTdm.
The CLIC Board signed a GDPR Addendum to the Ex Libris license. CLIC was required to execute a GDPR Addendum to the Ex Libris license, because UST has a campus location in the EU.
At the Annual Meeting, the CLIC Board elected officers: President, David Stewart (Bethel University); Vice President, Jon Neilson (Concordia University, St. Paul), and Treasurer, Ruth McGuire (University of Northwestern-St. Paul).
July 2018. The Executive Committee heard two strategic planning consultant presentations in June and one in July, and narrowed the list down to two firms to recommend to the Board. At the July meeting the CLIC Board decided not to contract with a strategic planning consultant at that time and to delay moving forward with strategic planning until outstanding questions were answered.
Dukelow represented CLIC at the Minnesota Digital Library’s two-day strategic planning session on July 9-10.
August 2018. The Communications Task Force recommended changes to CLIC’s current tools, including switching Committees from listservs to Google Groups and adding Team Drives. Maureen Fitzgerald began the process of setting up the Google Groups and Team Drives. CLIC hosted three Chair Camp sessions in August and introduced the incoming Chairs to the new procedures during Chair camp.
The CLIC Board selected “Artificial Intelligence and Libraries” for CLIC’s FY18-19 conference theme.
The CLIC Board reviewed the Circulation Committee’s Reconciliation report for June 2017-May 2018. The Board decided to reconsider reconciliation payments at the March 2019 Board meeting after reviewing data for June 2018-January 2019.
September 2018. The CLIC Board attended a three-hour facilitated discussion session to determine what questions needed to be answered before moving ahead with strategic planning. As follow up to the session action items, Dukelow prepared a handout on library system options and scheduled a meeting with MNPALS and Board members in November.
At the September Board meeting, the CLIC Board heard reports from the representatives of the A-Team on KB and Resource Sharing issues. Meg Manahan presented on KB issues, and Greg Argo and Becky Schleicher presented on Resource Sharing issues, including complaint lists and recommendations.
October 2018. Several CLIC member library staff presented at the MLA Annual Conference in October, including Serena Giese (Bethel), Ruth Dukelow (CLIC), Anne Beschnett, Jade Erickson, and Lizzy Tegeler (St. Kate’s), and Trent Brager, Meg Manahan, and Anne Zawistoski (UST).
In response to the CLIC Board’s request, the Digitization Committee prepared a report on possible systems/products to replace CONTENTdm. The Committee report analyzed three systems and concluded with a recommendation that CLIC continue with CONTENTdm at this time.
November 2018. On November 16, Asch, Dukelow, Gjelten, and Stewart met with PALS director Johnna Horton and Linda Richter to discuss affiliation options.
December 2018. CLIC held the Annual Awards luncheon at Northwestern, with program speaker author Kao Kalia Yang. Kim Salzer of Hamline University won the User Service Award, and the Research and Instruction COI won the Group Effectiveness Award.

On December 6, members of the CLIC Board met with Jane Burke and Julie Bister from Ex Libris to discuss CLIC’s KnowledgeBase and resource sharing issues. Becky Schleicher and Greg Argo presented the resource sharing issues, and Dani Roach and Caroline DeLuca presented the KnowledgeBase issues. Asch and Dukelow arranged to meet with Burke and others from Ex Libris at ALA Midwinter to discuss progress on these issues.
The CLIC Board approved a contribution from the consortium to support Minitex’s Minnesota Library Publishing Project (MLPP).