19 1987
January, 1987. Field trip for some staff in CLIC libraries to visit St. John’s University-College of St. Benedict institutions to see the Carlyle system in operation prior to contract negotiations on January 20-21st.
Local site preparation under discussion at this point.
February, 1987. Metz (CLIC) submitted a memo to the Board presenting the need for clerical assistance, staffing required to operate the CPU for the automated system, expanded space needs (12” by 7” room at Hill currently) and their location. He outlined the pros and cons of remaining at the Hill Library and those for having the CLIC office located geographically near the CPU.
Macalester and St. Catherine colleges were sites under consideration at this time.
February 4, 1987. Contract meetings with Carlyle continued on February 17-18.
The Board officially selected Macalester as the primary site under consideration for the central computer site of the CLIC automated system. Macalester ‘s President Gavin agreed that Macalester would serve as the central site.
CLIC continued to investigate automated systems for serials control and acquisitions i.e. Innovacq, Faxon, etc.
February 25, 1987. The Board accepted the Circ/ILL Committee recommendation that serials not circulate as of June 1, 1987.
The Reference/Public Services Committee distributed a ballot to all CLIC libraries so that staff could select a name for the system. CLIC Net was the reported winner approved by the Board in March.
March 11, 1987. The Indexing Task Force began completing the Carlyle Data Requirements Questionnaire (DRQ)
March 13, 1987. The Board authorized funding for the de-duping of OCLC records from the CLIC archival tapes so that only a single bibliographic record would appear in the CLIC database with copy/item information attached.
March 18, 1987. The Board approved the motion directing the Personnel Committee to explore locations for a CLIC office and the feasibility of renting space.
The Board agreed to a contract with Carlyle beginning April 1, 1987.
March 25, 1987. The Board approved a motion to commend the members of the Cataloging/Database Management Committee for their significant contribution in planning the automated system.
April 8, 1987. The Board adopted the draft of the Macalester Central Site Agreement.
April 15, 1987. The nine DRQs were sent to Carlyle.
April 29, 1987. The Board approved the Personnel Committee’s recommendation that CLIC lease a portion of a property at 1457 Grand Avenue, St. Paul for use as the new CLIC office. Metz (CLIC) was directed to make the necessary arrangements.
May 13, 1987. The Carlyle Systems, Inc. contract signing ceremony was held in the O’Shaughnessy Room at St. Thomas at 2 p.m. Offermann, CLIC president, signed the contract on behalf of CLIC.

The Planning Committee was charged with developing and implementing a plan for creating patron barcodes.
The central site at Macalester was ready for equipment installation
May 27, 1987. Relocation of the CLIC office began the first week of June.
Susan B. Hillard began her duties as CLIC Bookkeeper/Office Manager on June 8th.
Hill Library continued to act as CLIC’s agent with regard to payroll, benefit, tax information for CLIC employees.
A separate Interlibrary Loan Committee was authorized.
The Board approved a motion accepting the Macalester Central Site Agreement and authorized Offermann (MNC) to sign the document on behalf of CLIC.
The list of individuals acting as Carlyle contacts for their libraries was published.

Summer, 1987. Preparation of the central site began. Phone lines installed by NW Bell. Carlyle field engineer, Allen Cruet, worked on the central site. There were incomplete hardware shipments and system component failures. A CLIC Systems Operator job description was developed. A Barcode Task Force was formed. Its first meeting was on July 16, 1987, with Karen Mateer (MNA) as chair. A Testing Task Force was formed
Interchanges with Carlyle about satisfactory completion of contract agreements and the need for payments to be made began and continued.

Fall, 1987. Malfunction in a circuit board cut off access to the author index for a week.
Spare parts kit had not arrived. System did not provide dial access at this time. Some institutions experienced printer problems. Carlyle engineers at CLIC in November worked to solve problems at various sites.
There was a search for an Assistant to the CLIC Manager.
December, 1987. A memo from Metz (CLIC) to the Board states: “It took one and one half weeks of continuous machine time in Emeryville, CA to construct the indexed database (CLICnet)”.