33 2001
January 10, 2001. Implementation of the new Innovative Interfaces system began. Innovative Interfaces was capable of supplying a complete ILS (Integrated Library System). This was the first time CLIC had purchased and would install a system that provided automated library operations in all areas: catalog, circulation, serials control, acquisitions, media booking, etc. Thus installation was more complex and time consuming. Teams were in place including the Core Team to provide oversight of the entire process.
III system worksheets completed 1/16/2001.
Training plans underway using the train the trainer model. Sun hardware scheduled for delivery 1/25/2001.
CLIC joined the III National Users Group.
January 24, 2001. CLIC Board Planning Session concerning both the dues formula and membership in CLIC was held.
February 28, 2001. CLIC made its first payment on the III system ($72,605). CLICnet III Training Schedule Timeline was issued and ran from March through July, 2001.
The Board approved the purchase of a new telephone system for the CLIC office to replace the ten year old one. Important features: functionality, voice mail, and conference/speaker calling.
April 23, 2001. Special Board Meeting discussed implementation/migration process to the III system. Because of delays by III in supplying the contracted system the Board “regrettably” agreed to revise the implementation schedule for the migration of the integrated library system with some conditions that included financial penalties.
May 30, 2001. The Board created a small group: Fishel (MAC), Anderson (MNA), Suderman (MNK) and Olson (CLIC) to develop some funding formula scenarios for discussion by the Board before the end of summer. CLIC’s budget at this time was split into three areas: Courier, Administration, and Automation costs.
III Implementation continued. The Implementation Team and the Core Team prescreened and reloaded the TestPAC.
June 29, 2001. CLICnet III Steering Committee’s recommendation that 28 scopes be used in the system was accepted by the Board. They also accepted the Committee’s recommendation that the TestPAC be accepted and payments made. Initial TestPAC installation: $242,016 and Acceptance of TestPAC: $72,605.
Each CLIC Institution was directed to appoint a staff member to serve on an Interface Steering Committee.
Karen Mateer left her position at Augsburg to move to Rhode Island. However, the Board agreed to hire her as an independent contractor/consultant to do CLIC database cleanup from a distance.
July 25, 2001. Possible collaboration with Hill Library was under discussion.
Various teams in support of the new system continued to meet.
The Board approved a motion to simply name the new system CLICnet.
A trial of the virtual reference product produced by Convey systems was authorized.
September 26, 2001. Concerns about communication during the III implementation resulted in a memo from S. Anderson (MNA) and D. Gjelten (MNT) expressing the “near crisis” in implementation. The document entitled, Communications During Implementation was discussed. Board members expressed their thoughts about the situation. The results were a statement of a communication structure and the formation of a subgroup of the Board to identify key steps in addressing solutions for the major problems.
October 24, 2001. The Communications Ad Hoc Subgroup reported seven things to do to smooth the implementation process. A group, Policy Ambiguity Resolution Team (PART), to make final decisions on policies was created.
The Board agreed to upgrade the CLIC meeting room computer and purchase a portable data projector.
November 9, 2001. CLIC’s Fall Celebration Party was held at the Science Museum. The speaker was author, William Kent Krueger.