45 2013
January 2013. CLIC’s Year of Assessment mini-workshops began on January 18 with presentations by Andrea Koeppe and Ginny Heinrich on the ACRL Immersion Workshop.
Additional mini-workshops were scheduled throughout 2013, and the final assessment conference was scheduled for June 4, 2013.
Dukelow gathered ebook information from each CLIC library’s ebook contact and met with ebook vendors at ALA Midwinter.
Mark Ehlert presented a workshop on RDA.

Amy Sheehan (Hamline) and Emily Asch (St. Catherine) joined the CLIC Board .
The CLIC Board reconvened the ILS Task Force to look at selection of a next-gen ILS in mid-2013 and migration in 2014. The Task Force met on January 11 and put together a “request for input” which was emailed to all Committees/COIs with a deadline of March 31. They also drafted a rough timeline for selection of a next-gen system. The Board directed the Task Force to make a ranked recommendation of available systems, including lists of pros and cons of each, and to meet with the Board to discuss the vendor responses to the RFI/Q to decide which companies will be brought in to do demos. Dukelow met with systems vendor representatives at ALA Midwinter.
February 2013. Dukelow presented an all-day licensing workshop for CLIC’s EResources COI and other member library staff on February 15. Dukelow convened the CLIC ebooks contacts for a meeting with a representative from Palgrave Macmillan to discuss a shared ebooks collections.
Fitzgerald arranged switching CLIC’s checking account and credit cards from Merrill Lynch to Bremer Bank, with the result of higher interest and more accurate monthly reports.
The ILS Task Force met with systems vendors Ex Libris, OCLC, and Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (III).
March 2013. Dukelow and Sue Davidsen of Walden University co-presented a session at the LibTech Conference on providing library services to students in online courses.
Minitex Director Valerie Horton met with the CLIC Board to discuss her plans for working with academic libraries, including hosting CALD meetings and facilitating ebook collection development.
The ILS Task Force met via webinar with system vendor Proquest Intota.
April 2013. The April 3 mini-workshop was held at Concordia for an audience of about 30.
The ILS Task Force released an RFI/Q and received responses from Ex Libris, III, Proquest Intota, and OCLC. After a joint meeting of the CLIC Board and the ILS Task Force, invitations for in-person demos were offered to Ex Libris and OCLC, and invitations for webinars to III and Proquest.
May 2013. The final mini-workshop was held on May 1, with presentations by Amy Sheehan, Hamline University; Lyndi Fabbrini, Verena Getahun, Will Keillor, and Michael Mitchell, Bethel University; Lisa Raymond, Walden University; and Ginny Moran Heinrich, Macalester College.
CLIC provided a co-sponsorship donation to support the University of Minnesota’s Digital Humanities/Scholarship Symposium.
The ILS Task Force hosted four Ex Libris demos of Alma and Primo on May 6-7. The CLIC Board asked the Task Force to present their recommendation report in July.

June 2013.
Megan Oakleaf from Syracuse/ACRL keynoted CLIC’s Conference, “The Value of Academic Libraries,” on June 4.
At the Annual Meeting, the CLIC Board elected officers: President, David Stewart (Bethel University), Vice President, Ruth McGuire (Northwestern College), and Treasurer, Terri Fishel (Macalester College).
The ILS Task Force hosted demos of OCLC WorldShare Management System (WMS) on June 5-6. The ILS Task Force attended webinar demos of ProQuest Intota (June 17) and III Sierra (June 18). Members of the ILS Task Force attended the ALA Conference in Chicago to meet with academic librarians who had migrated to next-gen systems.
July 2013. The Conference Planning Task Force was appointed and charged with planning the Focus on the User conference for the fall. Members of the Task Force included CLIC Board President David Stewart, Augsburg College – Missy Motl, Bethel University – Erica Ross, Concordia University, St. Paul – Greg Argo, Hamline University – Siobhan DiZio, Macalester College – Jesse Sawyer, St. Catherine University – Emily Asch, University of Northwestern-St.Paul – Linda Rust, University of St. Thomas – Kari Petryszyn, and CLIC Staff – Ruth Dukelow and Maureen Fitzgerald.
The ILS Task Force hosted Gretel Stock-Kupperman from Viterbo University at a Task Force meeting and had a phone conference with Simpson University. Several members of the Task Force took a field trip to NDSU in Fargo for a two-day investigation of their migration experience to Alma/Primo. In order to have sufficient time to review the feedback from the CLIC community and the data gathered at ALA, phone conferences, and at NDSU, the ILS Task Force requested a two-week extension to August 7 to write and submit their final report.

August 2013. Randall Schroeder, new library director at St. Catherine University, joined the CLIC Board, replacing interim Emily Asch.
CLIC staff Fitzgerald and Dukelow began work on planning for a new CLIC website, including an online member directory.
CLIC purchased a shared DVD cleaner which will be sent to libraries via the courier on request.
The ILS Task Force submitted its final report on August 7, completing the work of the ILS Task Force.
September 2013. The Ebooks Contacts arranged meetings with Springer and Palgrave to review their proposals for shared ebooks collections to begin January 2014.
At a special meeting, the CLIC Board decided against selecting a system at this time and asked CLIC staff to arrange for an in-person demo of ProQuest (Serials Solutions) Intota in October.
October 2013. Dukelow presented a program on legal issues in self-publishing ebooks at the Minnesota Library Association conference.
CLIC’s Focus on the User Conference, “Hush the Shushing! What Are Library Users Saying?,” was held on October 24, at Macalester College, with more than 80 people in attendance. The keynote was Frank Cervone who presented on “Focusing on the user: Best practices based on research.” OCLC Research presented on the findings from their latest academic library survey of alumni and parents. The afternoon session began with a panel of library users and concluded with “pecha kucha” presentations by each CLIC member library. As a follow-up to the conference, the afternoon “pecha kucha” presenters guest-blogged about their projects on the CLIC Blog.
On October 3, Macalester presented a letter informing the CLIC Board that Macalester would not be participating in the shared system to replace III Millennium and instead would be migrating to OCLC WMS. Dukelow contacted OCLC, Ex Libris, and ProQuest to ask for revised pricing for seven libraries without Macalester.
ProQuest presented a demo of Intota on October 7, and Ex Libris (October 17) and OCLC (October 21) presented update webinars to demonstrate enhancements added since their spring demos.
November 2013. The Ebooks Contacts selected Palgrave and Springer ebook collection for purchase as shared collections. Minitex announced their plans for an Ebooks Summit in early 2014, and Dukelow suggested that CLIC libraries participate.
Fitzgerald posted the new online directory on CLIC’s website.
Dukelow suggested that the Board consider staff sharing for ILL.
At a special meeting on November 6, the CLIC Board voted to select ProQuest Intota and Summon to replace III Millennium. Dukelow began negotiations with Jane Burke of Intota, with the goal of executing a license by the end of December.

December 2013. CLIC held the Annual Awards luncheon at Northwestern, with program speaker Minnesota Poet Laureate Joyce Sutphen. Greg Argo (University of St. Thomas) won the User Service Award, and the Conference Planning Task Force: Focus on the User won the Group Effectiveness Award.
The Board has appointed the Implementation Team, with the charge to coordinate the implementation of ProQuest Intota Library Services Platform, December 2013- June 2015. Members of the Team included Mike Bloomberg, Rhonda Gilbraith, Greg Argo, Jon Neilson, Amy Shaw, Nathan Farley, Dani Roach, Ruth Dukelow, and Steve Waage. The Implementation Team’s first project was to work on the deliverables section of the proposed license agreement. They also developed a calendar and a list of task forces needed for the 18-month phased-in implementation.
The initial timeline for migrating to Intota and Summon was:
- December 2013 – CLIC Board executes ProQuest license for shared Intota system
- January – March 2014 – Kick-off event; First cohort of three libraries transition to Summon; Augsburg implements Intota Link (Dec/Jan); Northwestern implements EZProxy
- March-April 2014 – Second cohort of three libraries transition to Summon.
- May-Summer 2014 – Implement Intota Assessment
- Fall 2014 – Implement Intota-E
- January – May 2015 – Profiling and migration to Intota Selection/Acquisitions /Description and Intota Fulfillment (circ, reserves, patron accounts, cataloging, interoperability with Agresso and Banner) with hard cutover in mid-May after semester ends.
The Team scheduled weekly meetings. Dukelow met with CLIC’s attorney to finalize the ProQuest license, which was signed at the end of December.