49 2017
January 2017. CLIC notified Innovative that they would not renew Millennium when the current subscription expired on June 30.
Dukelow asked the directors to select at least two staff members at each institution for Alma Certification Training.
The Executive Committee approved the Discovery Admin Committee’s recommendation that Primo discovery search should have a uniform name at all six Institutions, preferably a name including “CLIC.” The Board approved appointment of a System Rollout Task Force with the limited charge of selecting a uniform name to replace CLICnet and to develop a marketing plan to rollout the new discovery/search to students and faculty.
The Executive Committee began discussion of planning the future of CLIC and suggested that the Board hire a facilitator to begin the planning process in July or August 2017 after the migration is completed, with Dukelow’s Onsite Visits Report providing a starting point in discussions with the facilitator.
February 2017. In February, the CLIC Board recognized and thanked two groups for their “above and beyond” work on CLIC’s migration to Alma/Primo: (1) Heather Tompkins and the St. Kate’s local I-Team for their development of an Alma/Primo for Public Services list of resources, and (2) Mark Ehlert and the Cataloging Committee for their excellent work cleaning up bib data prior to the test extractions. Ex Libris delivered each university’s Alma test environment in February, and the Implementation Team began testing their Alma data.
Thirteen staff members were registered for Alma Certification training in April: Gene Kenney, Sandra Oslund, Amy Reinhold (Bethel); Jeanine Gatzke, Jon Neilson (Concordia); Frances Singh (Hamline), Nate Farley, Becky Schleicher (Northwestern); Amy Shaw, Heather Tompkins (St. Kate); Greg Argo, Meg Manahan (UST); and Paddy Satzer (UST Law).
The CLIC Board appointed Serena Giese (Bethel), Megan Johnson-Saylor (Concordia), Louann Terveer (Hamline), Jessica Moore (Northwestern), LeAnn Suchy (St. Kate), and Andrea Koeppe (UST) to the System Rollout Task Force. Working with 45Degrees/Mpls, the Task Force polled the CLIC community for new names to replace CLICnet, and 77 names were submitted. CLIC member library staff voted on the 15 names, selecting CLICsearch as the winner.
March 2017. Ex Libris conducted three-day onsite Alma training for CLIC member library staff at UST. After the onsite training, the Implementation Team’s weekly webinar training switched to focus on Primo training. Ex Libris delivered each university’s Primo test environment in March, and the Implementation Team began testing their Primo data.
The Dues Task Force developed a three-tiered formula for distributing system costs and the CLIC Board approved the dues formula at the March Board meeting.
Augsburg completed its migration from CLIC’s Millennium shared system to a standalone OCLC WMS system.
The CLIC Board approved signing the 2017-22 MNLINK Server Site Agreement.
April 2017. The System Rollout Task Force worked with 45degrees/Mpls to create a CLICsearch logo and favicon for use on Primo discovery pages, web pages, LibGuides, training materials, and promotional items. The Task Force drafted boilerplate language for member libraries to use on web pages, press releases, and infographics. Ex Libris added the CLICsearch logo and favicon to all Primo search pages.
CLIC member library staff selected for Alma Certification completed the training assignments and final exam. All were awarded Certified Alma Administrator (CAA) status.
The freeze on Millennium cataloging and acquisition work began on April 28, and Sarah Johnston began extracting bibs for the final cutover load on April 29.
The Executive Committee met with Stuart Wilson from Library Strategies to discuss steps to plan CLIC’s strategic direction and to ask for a proposal from Library Strategies to facilitate CLIC’s process.
The CLIC Board approved new Ebooks Payable guidelines.
May 2017. Sarah Johnston completed the extractions on May 27-28. All member libraries reviewed and signed off on the data by May 30. CLIC went live on Alma and CLICsearch (Primo) on Wednesday, May 31, 2017.
Ann Bateson retired as Law Library Director at UST.
June 2017. Charlotte Knoche retired as Library Director at Concordia University, St. Paul.
Access to Millennium ended on June 30, 2017.
July 2017. At the Annual Meeting, the CLIC Board elected officers: President, Terry Metz (Hamline University); Vice President, David Stewart (Bethel University); and Treasurer, Jeanine Gatzke (Interim Director, Concordia University, St. Paul).
The Committee Restructuring Task Force presented a recommendation for existing Committees to take on most of the Alma and Primo responsibilities previously handled by the Implementation Team. The Board directed each Committee to create their own Alma/Primo checklists and charges, with review by the Implementation Team to ensure complete coverage.
August 2017. Ex Libris offered CLIC group pricing on Leganto (successor product to SIPX), and four CLIC libraries (Concordia, Hamline, St. Catherine, and St. Thomas) elected to subscribe via a license amendment to CLIC’s Ex Libris Alma/Primo license.
CLIC Board President, Terry Metz, selected “The Year of Reimagining Academic Libraries” as the theme for FY17-18. CLIC purchased copies of David Lewis’ book, Reimagining Academic Libraries, for Committees and COIs to read prior to the CLIC-wide conference with David Lewis in the spring.
The Implementation Team was disbanded, and their duties were distributed to the Alma Administrators Committee (the A-Team) and the Discovery Administrators Committee. Dukelow wrote personal letters of commendation for each Implementation Team member thanking them for their incredible work during migration.
Dukelow and Fitzgerald conducted two Chair Camp sessions for incoming Committee Chairs. In addition to the usual training relating to meeting protocols and year-end reports, the Chairs were directed to draft checklists of their Committee’s Alma/Primo responsibilities for review by the A-Team in November.
September 2017. Dukelow posted a Quick Facts dashboard demonstrating CLIC’s value on the CLIC website.
OCLC sales representatives Pete Zeimet and Maruta Skujina presented demos of Greenglass/SCS and Tipasa for CLIC in September.
Maureen Fitzgerald investigated replacement services for CLIC’s phone and internet service. On her recommendation, CLIC switched to POPP Communications which cost the same as Integra but provided higher bandwidth speeds.
October 2017. CLIC’s Committees and COIs completed review and revision of their purposes and goals for FY17-18. The former Reference COI was renamed Research & Instruction COI. The Marketing COI was put on hold indefinitely.
Dukelow asked for volunteers to lead chapter discussions of David Lewis’ book, Reimagining the Academic Library. The Committees and COIs reviewed David Lewis’ book to plan book discussion workshops prior to the CLIC-wide event. The Research & Instruction group set up a message board for chapter discussion.
The A-Team’s review of the anonymization policy (weekly scrubbing of personal data on Sundays) showed that it was not working smoothly. The A-Team re-set the policy to the original default setting while they worked with the Circulation Committee to develop a reasonable process.

November 2017. The Board welcomed newly-appointed Concordia University Library Director, Jon Neilson.
The Research & Instruction COI partnered with the Digitization Committee to plan an unconference in February, based on David Lewis’ Reimagining Academic Libraries.
The A-Team drafted an Alma MARC record loading policy, which the CLIC Board approved. The A-Team proposed the creation of a task force to evaluate various collaboration and communication tools used by CLIC and to recommend best practices for organizing and providing access to content.
The CLIC Board convened for an all-day visioning session led by Bryan Alexander. This session was the first step in CLIC’s post-migration strategic planning. The CLIC Board began work on a vision statement covering two concepts: efficiencies and thought leadership. The Executive Committee began work on the second step of strategic planning: to select a facilitator to lead a consortium-wide process to plan CLIC’s strategic direction.

December 2017. CLIC held the Annual Awards luncheon at Northwestern, with program speaker Larry Millett on Mid-Century Modern architecture.

Mark Ehlert won the User Service Award, and the Implementation Team won the Group Effectiveness Award. A special one-time award, “CLIC Migration Support & Survival Award,” was distributed to all CLIC member library staff.