47 2015
January 2015. The Implementation Team applied a fix for duplicates in Summon 2.0 to improve Summon search results. CLIC CONTENTdm collections were added to Summon. The Team completed loading data in Intota Assessment. ProQuest conducted two IA training webinars for CLIC on January 22-23.
The CLIC Marketing Task Force met on January 15, 2015. Members of the new Task Force include Dixie Ohlander, April Youngblood, Megan Johnson-Saylor, Louann Terveer, Jessica Moore, Amy Mars, and Julie Kliminger.
The CLIC Board charged the Collection Development COI to develop criteria for evaluating, selecting, and funding ebook collections shared by all CLIC libraries.
CLIC ceased its group subscription to RDA Toolkit because member libraries were able to obtain higher discounts via Minitex.
February 2015. Jane Burke and Jed Gilmore met with the CLIC Board and the Implementation Team on February 18 at Hamline University Anderson Center. The Implementation Team attended two-day training on Intota ERM and Intota Assessment at St. Catherine University.
As members of Minitex’s MNLINK RFP Committee, Dixie Ohlander of Augsburg and CLIC Executive Director Ruth Dukelow attended three day-long vendor demos for new MNLINK software to replace VDX.
CLIC’s attorney, Pat Plunkett, drafted revised Articles, Bylaws, and selected policies (Conflict of Interest, Whistleblower, Investments, and Document Retention) to bring CLIC into compliance with current Minnesota law. The Bylaws Task Force (McGuire, Bateson, Metz, Stewart, and Dukelow) met in February to finalize Articles/Bylaws and to draft a new membership policy.

March 2015. The Marketing Task Force began a pilot project to promote reference and resource-sharing services at member libraries. For the first step in the marketing cycle, they gathered data via focus groups, “Question of the Week,” and a CLIC/ILL analogy contest.
With initial training completed, ProQuest move the Implementation Team from implementation to support status for Summon, Intota Assessment, and Intota ERM.
Dukelow presented a licensing webinar for Minitex and also presented on licensing at the PALS Acquisitions Work Day.
April 2015. The Implementation Team members worked with ProQuest to perform “Summon Content Analysis” to determine the percentage of each library’s journals that are findable via Summon.
The new CLIC Value brochure was printed and copies of both the print and PDF versions were distributed to the directors to share with their Administrations.
Sprung designed a new website for CLIC. Dukelow, Fitzgerald, and Waage were trained on WordPress on April 10 and began adding content to the new website.
Dukelow attended the ICOLC conference in Albany, NY, and brought back information on shared staff arrangements and other future directions for library consortia.
May 2015. The Board officially approved CLIC’s new Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Policies.
CLIC renewed the CONTENTdm group subscription at the 1000GB level (an increase from the 200GB level).
Steve Waage began the work of deleting Hamline Law records from CLICnet, in preparation for Hamline Law School’s merger with William Mitchell Law School. Waage also worked with the Implementation Team to evaluate their Intota Assessment results.
At the request of the Implementation Committee, the CLIC Board created a new Summon Admin Committee to handle ongoing support of Summon. The Board also transferred support of Intota KB/ERM to the Electronic Resources Committee.
The Marketing Task Force announced two winners of the CLIC/ILL Analogy Contest, Lauren Gannon and Tavia Buysse. Lauren Gannon of Bethel won for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Her submission read:
“When you need help, you have different lifelines. CLIC is like “ask the audience”. It’s quick, it’s close in proximity, and you will get what you need relatively quickly. Interlibrary Loan is like an unlimited “phone a friend”. This is what the Interlibrary Loan staff does. They contact a bunch of libraries to get what you need. It may take longer to get what you need but the scope and distance is pretty much unlimited. All you have to do is make a request.”
Tavia Buysse of Hamline won for Baking Cookies, which read:
“If you’re baking cookies and are missing an ingredient, CLIC is like going over to your neighbor’s house and asking them for a cup of sugar. ILL is like getting into your car and going to the grocery store. It takes longer, but you’ll still get the item you need.”
June 2015. The Marketing Task Force tested and critiqued CLIC’s new website. The new website went live on June 1.
July 2015. At the Annual Meeting on July 22, the CLIC Board elected officers: President, Dan Gjelten (University of St. Thomas), Vice President, Emily Asch (St. Catherine University), and Treasurer, Terry Metz (Hamline University).
The Board welcomed new Board member, Mary Hollerich, Library Director at Augsburg College.
The Implementation Team appointed an Intota Assessment (IA) task force to help analyze the IA data for the Team. The task force members included: Roach, Ohlander, Mitchell, Youngblood, Argo, Neilson, Shaw, Rust, and Petryszyn.
August 2015. Steve Waage conducted CLIC’s annual Chair Camp. Maureen Fitzgerald set up a clearinghouse web form for member library staff conference attendance.
Valerie Horton of Minitex and Jason Roy of UofM Libraries met with the CLIC Digitization Committee on August 24 to encourage adding digital collections from CLIC’s CONTENTdm to the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). CLIC library directors were asked to sign the DPLA Data Exchange agreement to facilitate access to CLIC collections via DPLA.
September 2015. The Implementation Team expressed concerns with Intota development, and CLIC Board President Dan Gjelten sent a letter to ProQuest outlining CLIC’s concerns. The Board and Implementation Team met with ProQuest leaders via webinars and conference calls to discuss.
October 2015. The CLIC Board adopted a new membership policy.
Seven CLIC member library staff attended ProQuest’s User Group Summit in Chicago on October 7-9. The main point of interest at the Summit was ProQuest’s announcement to buy Ex Libris. The CLIC Board met with the Implementation Team on October 28 to discuss the ramifications of the ProQuest purchase of Ex Libris on renegotiation of our Intota license.
On October 28, CLIC hosted a webinar for member library catalogers on LC’s Music Medium of Performance and Genre Vocabularies.
November 2015. The CLIC Board appointed Ruth McGuire, Terry Metz, Ruth Dukelow, and Maureen Fitzgerald to serve on the Financial Plan Task Force.
The Marketing Task Force completed their pilot project using posters to promote reference services, and the CLIC Board approved creation of a new Marketing COI to begin in January 2016.
The Executive Committee and other members of the CLIC Board met with ProQuest’s Jane Burke on to discuss the terms for an addendum to the Intota license and arranged to meet again in January after ProQuest’s Ex Libris purchase is finalized. One option may be for CLIC to be a development partner.

December 2015. CLIC held the Annual Awards luncheon at Northwestern, with program by author Erin Hart and Irish musicians Paddy O’Brien and Amy Shaw. Carmen Aslesen won the User Service Award, and the Cataloging Committee won the Group Effectiveness Award.
Terry Metz and Ruth Dukelow attended the Minitex Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) meeting and presented a report on our implementation of Intota v.1.
CLIC joined COUNTER as a consortium member.