46 2014
January 2014. The Implementation Team planned a timeline for migrating to Intota, including twice monthly meetings:
- January 23, 2014 – Kick-off event at UST; joint press release issued.
- January 2014 –Augsburg implements Intota Link (completed 1/13/13); Northwestern implements EZProxy (goal March 1st).
- March-April 2014 – Six CLIC libraries transition to Summon 2.0 (UST will upgrade to 2.0 in the summer).
- May-Summer 2014 – Implement Intota Assessment.
- Fall 2014 – Implement Intota-E.
- January – May 2015 – Profiling and migration to Intota Selection/Acquisitions/Description and Intota Fulfillment (circ, reserves, patron accounts, cataloging, interoperability with Agresso and Banner) with hard cutover in mid-May after semester ends.
CLIC hosted an Implementation Kick-Off Event on January 23 at UST that was attended by 100 member library staffers. Presenters included ProQuest staff, UST staff, and Jennifer DeJonghe from Metro State. The event was an introduction to Summon and a celebration of the beginning of the Intota implementation.
Steve Waage assisted Macalester with their migration from CLIC’s Millennium to OCLC WMS.
February-March 2014. CLIC signed licenses with Palgrave and Springer for shared ebook collections. The Cataloging Committee completed work on the shared ebooks records.
The Implementation Team and other CLIC member library staff attended Summon training webinars. ProQuest issued a joint press release with CLIC on March 6, which was picked up by national and local news outlets. There was considerable outside interest, because CLIC was the first library consortium to select the Intota library services platform.
The CLIC Board received a formal letter of withdrawal from Macalester dated March 5, 2014. On March 14, David Stewart sent Macalester a letter on behalf of the CLIC Board accepting the withdrawal effective December 31, 2014.
Macalester’s migration to WMS required changes for CLIC libraries’ circulation, acquisitions, cataloging, and ILL processes. Dukelow asked the ASAs to oversee the effects of Macalester’s migration in these areas to prevent conflicting policies. The ASAs began work on a timetable for record suppression and expirations.

April 2014. CLIC hosted a workshop, Future Forward: Thriving in a Changing Environment, on April 4, presented by Janice Jaguszewski, a change management expert at the University of Minnesota. More than 90 people attended the workshop, which provided a forum for staff from CLIC libraries to discuss developing capacity to meet changing needs at CLIC and at their home libraries.
The Implementation Team completed the mapping for the second ingestion of data from Millennium to Summon. ProQuest conducted four on-site training sessions on Summon Web-Scale Discovery for CLIC.
The ASAs worked with Circulation, ILL, and other Committees to monitor Macalester’s migration and its effects on the rest of CLIC, including revision of the rota.
May 2014. The CLIC Board renewed the office lease for a four-year term through October 2018.
Libraries using WorldCat Local (WCL) for discovery migrated to Summon 2.0 at the end of May when their WCL licenses expired. The Implementation Team began using Basecamp for project management.
Dukelow presented on a panel at ICOLC on consortia and next generation library services platforms. She also did a presentation on shared library systems for a library science class at St. Catherine University.
Dukelow and Dixie Ohlander (Augsburg) were appointed to Minitex’s committee to select a replacement for MnLINK Gateway’s VDX and ZPortal software.
Dukelow brought information to the CLIC Board on SIPX, a copyright service for academic faculty that provides information on materials available in the library’s collection. She suggested that CLIC libraries subscribe to SIPX to prevent paying copyright clearance fees for materials already purchased by the library.
St. Catherine University Library migrated to CLIC’s shared CONTENTdm, and Macalester migrated to their own installation of CONTENTdm.
The Cataloging Committee presented a training session on Films On Demand on May 27.
June 2014. At the Annual Meeting, the CLIC Board elected officers: President, Ruth McGuire (University of Northwestern-St. Paul), Vice President, Dan Gjelten (University of St. Thomas), and Treasurer, Charlotte Knoche (Concordia University, St. Paul).
Due to an increase in courier service fees, the CLIC Board ask the two seminaries to increase their annual courier payments in FY14-15.
The Authority Control Committee held a summer workshop at St. Catherine University Library on June 23.
The ILL Committee developed an interim policy for using ILLiad and the courier system to share books and articles with Macalester through December.
In addition to working with Macalester staff to assist with their migration of records from Millennium to WMS, Waage and Dukelow met with CLIC Committees to help work through changes due to Macalester’s withdrawal from CLIC. By the end of June, all Macalester records were suppressed in Millennium.

July 2014. New Hamline University Library Director, Terry Metz, joined the CLIC Board.
With all libraries migrated to Summon 2.0, the Implementation Team began work on Phase 2, implementation of Intota Assessment. Steve Waage worked on providing data from Millennium, and the Team rep from each institution worked on completing DRS forms for their local library’s electronic resources.
On July 23, the CLIC Board and the Implementation Team met with Jane Burke and Kevin Lane-Cummings of ProQuest to discuss Summon and the next steps of Intota implementation.
August 2014. CLIC participated in Minitex’s Ebooks Summit on August 13 as a co-sponsor. The CLIC Board welcomed new directors, Emily Asch and Terry Metz.
September 2014. Jane Burke and Jed Gilmore from ProQuest met with the Board and Implementation Team on September 25 to review timelines and implementation issues.
October 2014. CLIC purchased shared ebook collections: Palgrave Education 2015, Springer Behavioral Science 2015, and BusinessExpert 2010-13 and 2014 collections.
A CLIC subcommittee of McGuire, Nelson, Metz, Sheehan, and Dukelow met to begin work on a CLIC value paper.
Kathy Dempsey, author of The Accidental Library Marketer and contributor to The M Word library marketing blog, was the keynote presenter at the CLIC-wide conference on Marketing Academic Libraries on October 30.
A memorial service for Chris Olson, who was CLIC’s Executive Director 1995-2005, was held at St. Catherine University on October 30. Former CLIC Board member, Carol Johnson, spoke at the service on behalf of the CLIC Board.
November 2014. CLIC member library staff Jeanine Gatzke (Concordia) and Belinda Lawrence (St. Catherine) contributed a chapter to the book, Library Consortia: Models for Collaboration and Sustainability by Valerie Horton and Greg Pronevitz.
The CLIC Board and the Implementation Team met with ProQuest on November 20 to discuss Intota product development and CLIC’s timeline to migrate.

December 2014. CLIC held the Annual Awards luncheon at Northwestern, with program speaker Sarah Bellamy of Penumbra Theatre. David Stewart won the User Service Award, and the Implementation Team won the Group Effectiveness Award.
Macalester completed withdrawing from CLIC. The CLIC Board thanked Macalester for their collaboration and contributions to CLIC over the past 45 years.