43 2011
January 2011. CLIC adopted a Strategic Planning Framework, based on the results of the Strategic Planning Forum.
March 2011. CLIC created the ILS Task Force to evaluate ILS options, including the option of staying with III. Charge to the task force read,
“The charge to the ILS Task Force is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of integrated library systems CLIC might select at a future date, including III’s new Sierra Services Platform. The task force should take cost into account and is asked to complete its work before the February 2012 CLIC Board Meeting. It is expected that in preparing its analysis of each system, the task force will query each of the CLIC operational committees and communities of interest. The charge to the committee is to prepare an informational report and not to recommend a single system.”
ILS Task Force members included: Dixie Ohlander (Augsburg), Earleen Warner (Bethel), Jennifer Borkenhagen (Concordia), Jon Neilson (Hamline), Angi Faiks (Macalester), Paddy Satzer (St. Thomas Law), Becky Schleicher (Northwestern), Emily Asch (St. Catherine), and Linda Hulbert (St. Thomas).
April 2011. CLIC libraries signed a license with Coutts for MyiLibrary acquisitions services. Seven of the eight CLIC libraries agreed to subscribe to WorldCat Local.
May 2011. CLIC created a WorldCat Local implementation task force. The members of the implementation task force included: Mike Bloomberg (Augsburg), Rhonda Gilbraith (Bethel), Jeanine Gatzke & Greg Argo (Concordia), Emily Waitz & Jon Neilson (Hamline), Katy Gabrio (Macalester), Nate Farley (Northwestern), Emily Asch & Amy Shaw (St. Catherine).
June 2011. At the Annual Meeting, the CLIC Board elected officers: President, Terri Fishel (Macalester College), Vice-President, Dan Gjelten (University of St. Thomas), and Treasurer, David Stewart (Bethel University).
July 2011. CLIC migrated CLICnet hosting to Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
The CLIC Professional Development Activity (CPDA) set up a blog for online activities relating to Char Booth’s workshop, and 65 participants signed up.
CLIC set up a committee to conduct an Executive Director Search for Tom Nichol’s replacement. The search committee was comprised of Stewart, Nelson, Singh, Gatzke, Heintz, and Nichol.
October 2011. In addition to small-group discussions of Char Booth’s Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning, CLIC hosted a CPDA event on October 28, 2011. The Executive Director Search Committee received applications. The CLIC Board appointed a CD/DVD Circulation Task Force.
November 2011. CLIC hired Maureen Fitzgerald as Business Manager with a starting date of December 21.
December 2011. CLIC hired Ruth Dukelow as Executive Director with a starting date of March 14, 2012.

The Annual CLIC Awards Luncheon was held at Northwestern on December 5, with a program by Cathy Wurzer. Linda Hulbert, University of St. Thomas, won the User Service Award, and The CLIC Professional Development Activity Steering Committee won the Group Effectiveness Award.

Maureen Fitzgerald began work as the Business Manager on December 21.