41 2009
January 13, 2009. The Innovative system migration from Sun V440 hardware running the Sun Solaris Unix operating system to an IBM x3650 Intel based system running Red Hat Linux was completed. Because of their responsibilities for system operation ASAs and Sys Ops members had restricted e-mail lists. However in order to accommodate others who need to view system problem logs an open e-mail list was created.

January 28, 2009. Schommer (MAC) was hired to work with CONTENTdm issues. His first task was preparing for an upgrade in February. Waage (CLIC) as Systems Manager began providing written monthly reports to the Board.
The search for a new CLIC Executive Director had begun.
February 25, 2009. Mary Wagner, Director of the MLIS program at the College of St. Catherine presented information about the ALA accreditation status of the program to the Board.
The Board approved the purchase of an Encore subscription ($41,300 1st yr) Macalester did not participate. Waage (CLIC) and ASAs implemented the discovery layer and MART planned a “kickoff” event.
Five applicants for Executive Director were selected for telephone interviews.
The Board accepted Harwood’s (CLIC) recommendations concerning Communities of Interest.
March 5, 2009. The system was converted to Unicode storage.
March 25, 2009. On site interviews of three candidates for Executive Director were scheduled. Concordia was the host site for their presentations.

April 22, 2009. Executive Director Search. The conclusion of the search was unsuccessful. The selected candidate declined the Board’s offer. However, an invited candidate, Tom Nichol, came to an open session with CLIC staff members and then a Board interview. After the Board discussed opinions and options they decided to offer the position to Nichol, who accepted. Tom Nichol began his duties as Executive Director on June 1, 2009. Executive Assistant to the Board, Harwood, concluded her contract June 15, 2009.
May 27, 2009. The Board approved the purchase of III Consortium Management Extension product (SCAT tables).
MART’s celebration event (5/29) held at Northwestern College demonstrated how Encore met the criteria used to select a discovery layer product.
The Board approved a motion to contract with OCLC for CONTENTdm hosting at level three ($3,600). Records were sent to OCLC in June.
The Board approved the Digitization Collection Development Policy.
June 24, 2009. The Board took action to move Schommer to a contract position.
The Board approved the purchase of III’s EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) invoicing software for monographs.
August 26, 2009. Audit policies i.e. Whistleblower and Record Retention were created by Stacey Holland, CLIC Business Manger.
The Board approved CLIC’s 40th anniversary celebration to be held on December 1st at Como Park Zoo facility.
September 23, 2009. As part of CLIC’s disaster plan the Board approved monies for III to do a backup tape verification test. A testing schedule should be included in the plan.
Strategic planning activity was renewed. Nichol presented “Perspectives on CLIC” a summary of his interviews with board members. Fishel (MAC), Gjelten (MNT), and Nelson (MNA) volunteered to serve with Nichol as a steering committee to guide the strategic planning process. A CLIC Strategic Planning Google site was created so that thoughts, documents, etc. could be shared.
October 28, 2009. The Board approved the revised CLIC Digital Collections Collection Development Policy.
December, 2009. CLIC’s fortieth anniversary celebration took place on December 1st. Kevin Kling was the guest speaker. Over 150 guests accepted the invitation including former library directors and staff members. CLIC memorabilia was displayed and Harwood gave a brief history of CLIC.