40 2008
January 23, 2008. There was an Executive session about search progress and interviews.
PING was on hold until spring when a T-1 line would be installed at Macalester.
MART continued its work gathering and analyzing data.
A CLIC Treasurer’s Manual including Financial Policies and Procedures was created by Holland (CLIC) and reviewed by the Executive Committee.
March 13, 2008. Two motions passed: 1. Search for the Executive Director closed.
2. Thank you to the Search Committee.
March 19, 2008. The Board directed MART to work with other CLIC groups and investigate discovery layer software and make a recommendation by May 23, 2008. Macalester moved to the use of World Cat.
Executive session on Executive Director position and future staffing needs. The Board moved to seek a consultant and approved a motion to hire a temporary, part-time Executive Assistant to the Board to oversee the CLIC office on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Board.
April 23, 2008. The Board accepted the CLIC Peer Performance Evaluation form created by Holland (CLIC).
May, 2008. Mary Chevreau and Pete Zeimet of Innovative Interfaces spent an hour with the Board.
The Board accepted MART’s report about discovery layers. MART continued the investigation into two products: Encore and Primo Implementation of a discovery layer to be in place by January 1, 2009.
The Board approved the Digitization Community of Interest’s (COI) recommendation to purchase an unlimited CONTENTdm license for $30,000.
Jack Davidsen began serving as the six-month part time Executive Assistant on June 2nd.

There was an Executive session about CLIC staff evaluations.
The CLIC Awards Banquet planned by Holland (CLIC) was set for December 4, 2008. It was a lunch held at Como Park Zoo conference site with guest speaker, Richard Bresnahan, potter.
June 25, 2008. The Board passed a motion not to pursue a consultant search.
July 23, 2008. Board approved a switch from Qwest to Integra telephone service for significant cost savings.
The Board was reviewing CLIC’s 2003 Strategic Plan at this time.
August 27, 2008. The Board approved a motion to purchase new hardware from III ($30,028).
Although MART recommended Primo as the choice for a discovery layer the Board requested a side by side comparison of its system with that of III’s Encore.
The Board had an Executive Session.
Davidsen (CLIC) was trained to perform tape backups of the ILS when Waage (CLIC) was unavailable.
September 24, 2008. At this period CLIC projects were RefWorks, S.C.A.T. tables, and a discovery layer.
Once again there was an Executive Session.
October 22, 2008. The Board approved a motion to abandon the OPAC Refresh Project and use the “out of the box” web interface and create an updated OPAC.
Status of the CONTENTdm Community of Interest was changed to an Operational Committee and their proposed allocations of collections by institution was approved.
The Board affirmed the reorganization of the CLIC office including the elimination of the System Administrator, User Support position (incumbent was Deb Bergeron).
Work began on acquiring a remote backup system for the ILS.
November 21, 2008. The Executive Committee proposed to reclassify the Office Manager position. The position became full time with the addition of website maintenance responsibilities. The position title became Business/Office Manager. There was a pay increase and the employee (incumbent, Stacey Holland) would work from home five hours per week.
The Executive Committee was investigating III’s Encore discovery layer.
December 1, 2008. Jack Davidsen’s six month, part time contract as Executive Assistant to the Board was completed 11/30. He moved to a full time position at Macalester. His Executive Assistant’s Report 12/1 notes that Waage (CLIC) attended CSS training and Holland (CLIC) completed studies at UST in non-profit financial management.
Waage installed Google Apps for CLIC. Work proceeded on the API backup system ILS Migration plans were finalized and scheduled for 1/13/2009.
Karen Harwood became the Executive Assistant to the Board.
The Board approved a motion that a small group complete negotiations for III’s Encore discovery layer product by the end of December and have implementation completed in January.
There was an hour long Executive session.
After a review of Strategic Plan 2003 accomplishments the Board postponed renewed strategic planning until June, 2009.
A search committee for the Executive Director was established (Gjelten (MNT), Johnson (MNE), Harwood (CLIC), Collins (MAC), Farley (NOW), Roach (MNT) and others.
The Board approved hiring Schommer (MAC) as a temporary part-time CONTENTdm administrator, January-June, 2009.