38 2006

January 25, 2006. Karen Docherty, new CLIC Executive Director, was welcomed to her first board meeting.
With the arrival of a new Executive Director and the significant changes occurring in information and technology it was time to develop a new strategic plan. Planning began for a Forum to be held in fall, 2006, with the theme: Trends In Integrated Library Systems and the Future of the OPAC.
The MARC Records/Serials Solutions Task Force presented information. The Board postponed a decision on the purchase of Serials Solutions MARC records until further information including cost could be investigated in detail.
February 22, 2006. The Table of Contents Task Force: Faiks (MAC), Sheehan (MHL), Rademacher (MNC), Reinhold (MNK) and Waage (CLIC) presented the results of their CLIC wide TOC Survey to the Board. The Board continued the existence of the Task Force to cope with issues as they arose.
The MARC Records proposal was approved.
March 22, 2006. Some changes were made to CLIC personnel policies.
The Board approved a change to the officer nominating process. It was decided that Board members would rotate through the positions of treasurer, vice-president, and president. The treasurer would become vice-president and the vice president would become president in a three year rotation. The rotation sequence would be by institution.
The slate of officers for the coming year would begin the new sequence: Knoche (MNK) President, Johnson (MNE) Vice-President, Rochat (MNH) Treasurer.
April 19, 2006. The CLIC Recognition Luncheon was held at the Science Museum of Minnesota. User and Group Effectiveness Awards were continued.
April 26, 2006. Suderman (MNK) expressed his appreciation for receiving the User Support Award.
The Board accepted the revised CLIC Employee Handbook.
August 23, 2006. Collection development and sharing issues appear. MnLINK Request Limits which affected interlibrary loan requests were solved prior to the meeting. The Serials/Discard Holdings Project was left to individual institutions to make participation decisions.

III upgrade schedules and OPAC Communication Process were discussed.
Docherty (CLIC) supplied written background material for Board agenda items to inform and facilitate the discussion process.
September 27, 2006. Docherty (CLIC) presented a draft of the organization structure survey. The survey was conducted from 11/27 to 2/15/2006. This was an attempt to evaluate the CLIC organizational structure that was put into place in September, 2005.

November, 2006. Stacey Holland replaced Nancy Hegdahl as CLIC Office Manager/Bookkeeper.
November 10, 2006. Roy Tennant was the keynote speaker at the ILS Forum held at Como Park Zoo conference site. As of 10/20/06 there were 166 attendees registered: 117 CLIC, 39 MPCC libraries, 10 from MINITEX. It was a well attended and successful event that kicked off a new planning process in the consortium. Evaluation survey responses included with November 22, 2006 Board meeting information.

November 22, 2006. The Board decided to meet at The College of St. Catherine on January 17, 2007, to discuss the new strategic planning process for CLIC.
Federated Searching was under discussion in CLIC libraries.