37 2005
Mission statement: CLIC exists to support member libraries in the fulfillment of their missions. Adopted by the Board, 2005.
February 24, 2005. These minutes contain the results of two joint meetings between the Board and the Coordinating Council creating an expedited decision making process and more concise objectives for CLIC based on the review of CLIC Organizational Structure.
Mission and Vision statements were not changed. CLIC objectives were reduced to four:
1. Provide improved and more comprehensive library resources and services to library users through the enhanced sharing of materials.
2. Operate and manage an integrated, automated library system.
3. Develop entrepreneurial initiatives in order to deliver new/expanding content and services.
4. Provide opportunities for staff collegiality, leadership and training.
A value statement was created: “Decisions within CLIC should reflect a positive impact for the users, improved quality to the catalog and consideration of staff time and resources.”
Organizational structure was revised. Coordinating Council and Executive Committees were eliminated. Working groups were retained. Two new groups were added: 1. Communities of Interest which would have a “sunset” provision and 2. Management Round Table to help expedite the decision making process.
Further work would be done and the structure implemented in July 2005, for a two year period.
The Board passed a motion supporting the creation of a CLIC Digitization Task Force.

March 23, 2005. Velocity, CLIC’s Ill courier, proposed a 7% rate increase. The Board approved a move to Expedited Transportation for our ILL courier because of their competitive bid.
April 19, 2005. A forum on CLIC organizational structure was held at Macalester.
A subcommittee of ILL was investigating OCLC’s ILLiad interlibrary loan system.
May 25, 2005. The Board’s Budget Dues Committee Report provided 3 versions of a proposed dues formula to be reviewed and discussed in June.
Olson (CLIC) distributed templates describing existing CLIC groups.
The new website needed to be in place before the new organizational structure began. The Board approved the authorization of the release of the CLIC Website RFP.
The ILL subcommittee investigating ILLiad gave a comparative overview of various ILL software to the Board.
The Board approved a motion making the Board Executive Committee the Nominating Committee.
June 22, 2005. The Board adopted proposal three for CLIC dues structure for 2006-07. The proposal was based upon the majority of costs shared equally, the size of each institution’s acquisitions budget, and a percentage representing staff licenses used by each institution.
The Board authorized a small group (Gjelten (MNT), Fishel (MAC), Olson, Hegdahl, Bergeron (CLIC) to decide on a vendor for the CLIC Website. Deanna Sylte was hired to design the site.
Six institutions agreed to purchase the ILLiad product and implement its use by the start of school.
CLIC reorganization moved forward. An orientation session for new group chairs was developed.
July 27, 2005. The Board received a proposal for Changes to Scoping and Type of Material Limiting in the OPAC. They gave approval for the Cataloging Working Group to proceed with Mat Type Scoping.
August 24, 2005. Chris Olson, Executive Director, announced his resignation from CLIC as of September 30th and his new position as Executive Director of MELSA ( Metropolitan Library Service Agency).
The Board Executive Committee (Suderman (MNK), Knoche (MNC), Rochat (MNH)) plus Gjelten (MNT) were directed to set up an search procedure for a new CLIC Executive Director.
Diane Lewin was replaced by Bill Easton as III’s salesperson for our region.
The Board approved the purchase of the EDIFACT product (this was the electronic 13 digit barcode ordering product that was required in order to do electronic ordering on the system).
September 28, 2005. Announcements included: Joel Clemmer leaving his position as Macalester Library Director. Ruth McGuire becoming Library Director at Northwestern College on November 1st and Dale Solberg leaving as Library Director of Northwestern College on December 6th.
September 30, 2005. After ten years 1995-2005 as Executive Director, Chris Olson left CLIC to become Director of MELSA (Metropolitan Library Service Agency)
The CLIC Executive Director Search Committee reported on its progress. Application deadline October 31st.

October 26, 2005. Ruth McGuire (NOW) elected to the CLIC Board replacing Solberg.
The Board approved a motion to continue the existence of the Table of Contents Task Force and the continued purchase of records from Blackwell at the rate of $2,000 per institution.
November 30, 2005. Suderman (MNK) reported on Waage’s (CLIC) recovery from major heart surgery earlier in the month.
The Search Committee recommended Karen Docherty for the Executive Director position and the Board approved.