34 2002
January 23, 2002. Sam Richter, president of the Hill Group, presented his perspective for a relationship between Hill Library and CLIC. Individual institutions would make their own decisions concerning future relationship with Hill.
Work began on the search for a replacement for Althea Parent, CLIC Office Manager/Bookkeeper, who was leaving in March, 2002.
The Board voted to incorporate the Audio-Visual group into the ASEC (Access Executive Committee) structure as a Working Group.
The PART group worked on ways to “tweak” III Millennium to achieve the desired result with regard to uniform titles.
The III User Group enhancement voting process was discussed. CLIC working groups voted on items appropriate to their responsibilities and the CLIC office forwarded the results.
Chris Olson (CLIC) was elected and served as the Minnesota Library Association’s president for 2002.
February 13, 2002. The CLIC Remote Access Task Force: Joslin (MAC), Kenney (MNK). Kreitzer (MNE) issued a preliminary report on four main authentication options: 1. standard proxy servers, 2. Ezproxy, 3. III Web Access Management, and 4. third party authentication services.
February 27, 2002. The E-Journals Task Force recommendations were accepted. A working group was established.
Lost book reconciliation was under discussion once again. Decision was to leave the current assessment of $50 per book in place.
Discussion of staffing for the system resulted in the formation of a group to study needs and make recommendations. Task Force: S. Anderson (MNA), Suderman (MNK), Satzer (TL#), Borowske (MNH), Hogan (MNA), Joslin (MAC), Waage (CLIC).
March 27, 2002. The CLIC Communications Ad Hoc Subgroup issued a report on actions taken to improve communication during III Implementation.
Nancy Hegdahl, Parent’s successor as CLIC Bookkeeper/Office Manager, was welcomed to CLIC.

The System Administrative Task Force created a list of tasks/responsibilities needed in CLIC’s systems administration role. Board discussion pointed out that III is a complicated system which requires more staff to do the consortium wide centralized work. The III system caused ASAs to take on more CLIC wide responsibilities. The Board recommended that the ASA Group create a proposal for a Systems Operations Group including identification of persons to be named to the group.
The Board also directed the Implementation Committee to review the list of tasks/responsibilities to determine a job description for an additional CLIC staff member.
The Board expressed concerns about III’s delivery and implementation of the system.
April 24, 2002. Olson (CLIC) reported that the old HP machine had been hacked in April and Waage (CLIC) had quickly recognized and solved the problem. The Board gave Waage recognition for his excellent performance.
Important documentation concerning the implementation and maintenance of the III system is included in these minutes. One result was the Board directive to rewrite CLIC staff job descriptions including a new systems administrator and the approval to hire an additional CLIC staff member.
The Implementation Steering Committee disbanded.
May 29, 2002. PART group disbanded.
June 19, 2002. The Board directed that each institution appoint a member to the Virtual Reference Working Group and that the group bring a proposal about such a service to the Board.
After study and discussion an additional position of System Administrator was to be added to CLIC office staffing. A small group interviewed candidates after June 5th.
July 24, 2002. Interviews for the Systems Administrator/User Support position took place.
The system was having problems including crashes so exploration of the need for more disc space and problems of system configuration were under review.
August 26, 2002. Deb Bergeron was hired as System Administrator/User Support beginning, October 1, 2002.
The installation of two additional disc drives solved the disc space problems.
The Board approved a recommendation that each CLIC institution contribute $1,000 or more annually to purchase e-books for CLIC and that 20% per $1,000 be contributed to the MINITEX collection. The growth in the MnLINK ebook collection was a way of contributing to resource sharing.
Using a Carlson Foundation grant Macalester purchased Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK) software from III to be loaded onto the CLIC server for use by all CLIC libraries.
October 23, 2002. The Board authorized the final payment for the III system.
November 20, 2002. CLIC personnel policies were reviewed and approved by the Board.
Bergeron (CLIC) began work on CLIC policy and procedures addressing request for information from CLIC under the Patriot Act.
The User Service Award for 2001-2002 was given to six individuals rather than the usual single person thus demonstrating that implementation of the new system required a major commitment of time and energy throughout CLIC.