
27 1995

January 18, 1995.  CLIC discontinued its membership in Mrnet and made its internet connection through Macalester’s membership. CLIC paid a fee to Macalester.

January 25, 1995.  The Board accepted the updated Computer Host Site Agreement between Macalester College and Cooperating Libraries In Consortium. Also it authorized a letter of appreciation to Macalester for their provision of space in their Computer Center.

January 26, 1995.  CLIC retreat was held.

February 22, 1995.  The Board adopted the amended Equity of Resource Sharing Report as CLIC policy. This report reflected interlibrary loan policies and procedures.

April 12, 1995.  Bob Pillow (MNT) presented a document entitled, Cooperative Cataloging in CLIC.

April 27, 1995.  The Board adopted the CLIC Executive Director position description.

May, 1995.  A 1995 CLIC Communication Survey was conducted by Eric Kallas (MNT) It was distributed to all CLIC library and AV department employees. The question was: “Is communication within CLIC effective? Generally the results were positive. Respondents found communication understandable, timely and helpful to their job performance. Many thought CLIC Digest useful. (See document for specific results. Attached to 9/27/1995 Board meeting agenda)

May 1, 1995.  The Board created CLICnet Membership Task Force.

May 31, 1995.  Announcement was made of the search for Executive Director Barton’s successor. Barton had resigned and left CLIC at the end of June.

June 28, 1995.  The CLIC Organizational Chart was adopted. Barton’s “A Manual For Chairpersons of CLIC Executive Committees, Working groups, Task Forces” was approved.

No Board meetings were held after Barton left until September 27, 1995. Bob Suderman (MNK) was Board President and performed supervisory duties for the CLIC office in the absence of an Executive Director.

September, 1995.  At this time the Minnesota Library Planning Task Force was in place. A Strategy Team (LAST) was seeking ways to further cooperation among MINITEX, MnSCU/PALS, CLIC , and public libraries in the automation of library services into the 21st century.

September 19, 1995.  A letter from Suderman (MNK) announced the appointment of Chris D. Olson as CLIC’s new Executive Director.

September 27, 1995.  CLIC Policy on Membership (draft) was presented to the Board.
CLIC Communication Survey and recommendations were presented to the Board.

October 25, 1995.  The recommendation from Kallas’ report to have the Executive Director create a process/procedure for a CLIC Web/Home Page was approved.
Haley (MNT) and Olson (CLIC) reported on the retreat of the Library Automation Strategy Team (LAST).

The Board accepted the final report of the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Analysis Team (MEAT), whose charge was to evaluate the 1993 reorganization of CLIC structure. Concerns about the role of the Coordinating Council were discussed.

December 20, 1995.  The Board approved seeking information about replacement of the Sequent computer (5 yrs old and almost at capacity).


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