25 1993
Mission statement adopted by the Board: “The mission of CLIC is to support member libraries in fulfilling their missions when cooperation enhances their ability to do so.”
January 13, 1993. A Serials Working Group was established to identify and resolve questions necessary for the installation of the serials module.
The fulltime position of Computer Systems Specialist was approved. The Board enthusiastically endorsed Barton’s recommendation to hire Steve Waage effective January 16, 1993.

February, 1993. The Implementation Task Force was disbanded.
March 10, 1993. Relocation of the CLIC office to the Richards Gordon School Building was approved. 1619 Dayton Avenue Suite 204 , St. Paul, MN 55104.
March 31, 1993. The Board accepted the mission statement developed at the January Board retreat. “The mission of CLIC is to support member libraries in fulfilling their missions when cooperation enhances their ability to do so.”
The objectives were accepted in final form at the June, 16th Board meeting.
Work continued on developing a revised funding formula for CLIC. Types of costs considered: 1. Administrative/operational, 2. Courier, 3. Automation.
April 28, 1993. A Task Force was established to define local levels of participation in CLIC and associated costs. Hamline Law Library was seeking membership in CLIC.
The results of participating libraries’ review of the consortium name, Cooperating Libraries In Consortium, were strongly in favor of no change. CLIC remained CLIC.

May 14, 1993. The CLIC office moved to its present location, Richard Gordon School Building. 1619 Dayton Avenue, Suite 204, St. Paul, MN 55104. New furniture was purchased. Althea Parent was commended by the Board for her work in coordinating the move.
The report from the Structure Committee was approved unanimously. This included a complex organizational structure including The Board, Board Executive Committee, CLIC Executive Director, Associate System Administrators, AV Directors, Coordinating Council Interest Groups, and Working Groups
Membership/Funding Task Force recommendations were discussed and passed
June 16, 1993. The Serials Vendor Evaluation Team concluded that libraries should retain their current vendors because of switches in the vendor picture and uncertainties as to CLIC’s participation in the Dynix serials module. Situation was to be reviewed again in ten months.
Board approved e-mail as the method for communicating information among the CLIC constituency.
June 30, 1993. J.J. Hill Reference Library withdrew from CLIC courier service.
July 29, 1993. Board minutes began to be distributed by e-mail.
Carol Johnson, new director at St. Catherine Library attended her first board meeting.
September 22, 1993. The Board voted to purchase the Dynix Serials Module.
Work continued on the development of personnel policies and procedures for CLIC employees including a job description for the Executive Director and evaluation forms.
December 22, 1993. Offermann (MNC) appointed head of the CLIC 25th Anniversary Committee.
Task Force was formed to develop a goal formulating process for CLIC. Results to be reported in March, 1994.