24 1992

January 10, 1992. Althea Parent assumed the position of CLIC Bookkeeper/ Office Manager.
January 22, 1992. The Interlibrary Loan Committee recommended switching to a commercial courier service.
CLIC needed to find a new attorney because Janet Boche Krause left the state.
February 26, 1992. Terry Metz (CLIC) resigned effective March 27th to take the position of Systems Support and Instruction Librarian at Carleton College.
March 11, 1992. The Board adopted the ILL Committee’s 2/26/92 recommendation to migrate the courier service to a commercial delivery firm. The firm was Data Dispatch and service began May 12, 1992.
March 18, 1992. This Special Board meeting discussed the CLIC Proposed Organizational Structure document including.: CLIC Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Consortium Manager, Task Forces, Round Tables. Implementation of the new structure 7/1/92.
April 8, 1992. Training on the Dynix system for various groups was discussed. The position of Associate System Administrator (ASA) was discussed since each library needed such an individual to interface with the system.
At this point Dynix is owned by Ameritech.
May 13, 1992. An Office Space Evaluation Task Force was appointed (King (MNH), Haley (MNT), Parent (CLIC). The group made the decision to remain at the present site (Grand Avenue).
The Search Committee evaluated 30 applications for the CLIC Manager position. Interviews took place in June.
May 27, 1992. The Board’s annual meeting will be its June meeting.
June 9, 1992. Letter from Sheila Meyer, Executive Director of J. J. Hill Reference Library to Offermann (MNC) stating Hill’s resignation as a CLIC member library. The Board accepted the resignation 6/10/92.
June 10, 1992. Steve Waage was retained to cover Dunker’s vacation absence.
June 22, 1992. David Barton was hired as CLIC Consortium Manager. Beginning date, August 3, 1992.
July 8, 1992. Letter on behalf of the Board from Offermann (MNC), outgoing Board president, to Elaine Cline (MNA), incoming president, thanking her for her leadership with the Dynix installation during the interim period without a consortium manager.
July 8, 1992. The Board adopted a uniform loan policy for books with the implementation of the Dynix system.
July 10, 1992. Carlyle system removed from the CLIC computer
August, 1992. Database and indexing data on the Dynix system (CLICnet II) continued to be loaded and manipulated. 29
September 9, 1992. Kinney (MNE) announced her resignation as director of St. Catherine Library as of mid-October. Harwood (MNE) served as interim director until July, 1993.
Communication issues: i. e structure, responsibility, content, and methods were a primary concern at this time.
October 12, 1992. Board executive session agreed to the dismissal of Dunker and the review of the position of system operator with the intent of formulating a new job description and the hiring of a new operator by February 1, 1993.
November 11, 1992. The Serials Subcommittee recommendation to purchase the Dynix serials and acquisitions modules was accepted in principle.