
23 1991

January, 1991.  CLICnet update # 20 still had not been successfully completed. Some Carlyle programming was flawed.

January 16, 1991.  Salmon and Franklin from Carlyle met with Planning Committee members in the CLIC office. The recommendation from Carlyle was that CLIC should migrate to Carlyle’s new product line (TOMUS 2.0 = OPAC and CAROLINE= circulation). The Committee agreed to consider this option along with others if it received a proposal by January 28th.

Informational meetings about CLIC’s automation migration options for CLIC library staffs began on January 30th at St. Thomas.

OCLC’s move to the PRISM program required training for technical services staffs and adjustments in the use of Carlyle CATIE software locally.

February 18, 1991.  In a letter reiterating unresolved problems with the current installation CLIC responded negatively to Carlyle’s 1/24/1991, migration proposal

February 27, 1991.  The Planning Committee recommended that Cline (MNA) chair a Migration Task Force. First meeting of MTF was 3/21/1991.

March 13, 1991.  Kinney (MNE) shared a proposed schedule for reaching an automation migration decision. Various individuals and CLIC committees observed automated systems in libraries (DRA, Dynix, MSUS/PALS, CARL, Innovative Interfaces).

April 2, 1991.  The CLIC delivery vehicle was damaged in an accident and Bob Lincoln, the courier, suffered neck and back injuries which required substitute couriers to be hired. Courier service status was reviewed by Metz (CLIC) and the ILL Committee.

April 10, 1991.  The Board approved the resolution that: “CLIC’s primary near-term objective ought to be procurement and installation of a new automated system and that all staffs and subgroups should plan accordingly.”

April 16, 1991.  Planning Committee members met with campus Computing Directors to pave the way for a new automated library system and insure its compatibility with campus networks.

Board members had vendor analysis discussions.

April 30, 1991.  Final Migration Task Force meeting. The group met often and issued newsletters concerning installation and implementation of a new system and feedback from stakeholders.

May 1, 1991.  The Board approved the draft of the contract dissolution letter for Carlyle management. Directors agreed to have an informational meeting for executive officers of CLIC institutions explaining the impending system migration.

After discussion the Board dropped CARL from consideration for the new automation system. Hill Library would remain involved with appropriate consortium services and activities while not participating further in the joint system automation.

May 8, 1991.  Bill Doyle (Bethel Computing Director) presented to the Board an overview of MRnet (Minnesota Research Network i.e. Minnesota’s gateway to the Internet) and explained how CLIC could take advantage of it to expand CLIC’s next automated system.

May 14-15, 1991.  CLIC hosted vendor demonstrations: DRA on 5/14 and Dynix on 5/15 A May 10, 1991, memorandum listed questions for the vendor representatives. Academic computing departments, CLIC functional committees and the Board attended these sessions.

May 15, 1991.  The Board concluded that Dynix was the best vendor match for CLIC and a Negotiation Team (Offermann (MNC), Cline (MNA), Suderman (MNK), Metz (CLIC) was established. Primary negotiating concerns were system cost and telecommunication issues. Preparation of letters to Carlyle, DRA, and MSUS/PALS began. Arrangements for notifying library staffs and college administrators were made.

May 17, 1991.  Letters: 1. King (MNH) to Wadia (Carlyle) terminated CLIC’s purchase agreement with Carlyle Systems 2. King to Carrison (MSUS/PALS) informed him that CLIC had begun negotiation’s with Dynix Corporation for an automated library system.

May 22, 1991.  The Migration Task Force Report was shared including the recommendation that an Implementation Task Force (ITF) be created.

June 19, 1991.  A meeting was held to inform college presidents of the status of CLIC and the move to a new library automation system. Results were that the presidents endorsed CLIC’s planning process and supported the automation migration plan
Acquisitions/Collection Development Committee planned to begin a joint collection development program in Fall, 1991. Participation by CLIC libraries was optional. Dollar amounts ranged from $500-$1,000 for the purchase of women’s studies materials.
Because Hill Library would not be participating in CLIC’s second automated library system, policy decisions concerning Hill’s relationship with CLIC after June 30, 1991, needed to be identified and implemented.

June 26, 1991.  The Board approved the creation of the Implementation Task Force (ITF)
Members: Metz (CLIC), Cline (MNA), Beccone (MAC), Harwood (MNE), Orf (MNT). ITF issued a Newsletter to communicate progress.

The Board also provided directives to the Negotiation Committee.

July, 1991.  Negotiations with Dynix continued. Concerns were cost of the system, ability to operate in a TCP/IP network environment, and especially applications functionality which was the main reason for selection of Dynix at this time.

July 18, 1991.  Bill Doyle (MNK) returned to expand upon the Mrnet information he had provided in May.

August 14, 1991.  The Board authorized the Negotiation Team to write a contract with Dynix for up to $500,000 for the new system (CLICnet II). A letter of intent was authorized as well. College campus plans to achieve connectivity to the CLICnet system were to be submitted by September 20th.

September 11, 1991.  The Board approved the deletion of the Hill Library bibliographic records from the CLICnet database because Hill was not a participant in the Dynix system. Library Technologies, Inc. creation of name and subject authority records for CLICnet was approved also.

September 27, 1991.  Memorandum to CLIC College Presidents from CLIC President Offermann (MNC) informed them that CLIC was about to sign a contract to migrate the CLIC automated system to a Dynix environment in October at the cost of $485,000 using a Sequent computer and providing more service functions.

October 9, 1991.  The Board approved the Dynix agreement. The recommendation of the Planning Meeting Volunteers for a special Board meeting devoted to planning the development of future services was endorsed unanimously.

October 15, 1991.  Agreement between CLIC and Dynix was signed and returned. The Negotiation Team was dissolved (10/23/91)

October 23, 1991.  The last local update #27 of CLICnet using the Carlyle system began. Cataloging departments ceased using CATIE and began cataloging only on OCLC’s PRISM.

November 22, 1991.  A special planning meeting of the Board was held. Facilitator was Jean Kummerow (MAC) Results: 1.Consider Board structure/governance. 2. Committee (Haley (MNT) & King (MNH)) study addition of acquisitions module to the system, 3. Clemmer (MAC) summarize new services, etc if funding available, 4. CLIC mission statement written by February, 1992.

November 27, 1991.  The Board acknowledged the dedicated work of the Update Task Force which made updating CLIC’s bibliographic database in the Carlyle environment possible.

December 18, 1991.  The Board approved CLIC formally joining MRnet. This would allow better access to information and more input into decisions of the group.

The Board established the 2nd Wednesday of the month as its designated meeting day.


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