
14 1982

February, 1982.  Bylaws were changed so that the Board’s annual meeting would take place at the final meeting during spring academic term and new officers take office on July 1st.

March, 1982.  The general state of the U.S. economy was a concern at this period. Nevertheless computerization of services continued to develop. Machine assisted reference service i.e. database searching began to be provided. OCLC’s Total Library
System was being discussed. The Board expressed interest in Carlyle’s online catalog.

May 28, 1982.  The Board approved the formation of CLIC Automation Task Force. Library Directors appointed members to the Task Force. Members: Schilling (MNA), Sheldon (MNK), Horn (MNC), Landgren. (MHA), Wanninger (HIL), Willms (MAC), Harwood (MNE), Pillow (MNT), Chittenden (CLIC). The first official meeting was held at St. Catherine Library on August 11th. The Board began work on a grant proposal to fund an automated system.

Fall, 1982.  Note that work toward a Regional Online Catalog was moving forward. The State University System (SUS) developed a system supported on the Mankato State UNIVAC computer. Joseph Matthews was consultant for the project and provided information to CLIC directors as well. A major issue continued to be: use a stand alone system or purchase a turnkey system from a vendor.

October 18, 1982.  The Board agreed to pursue bids for a system from turnkey vendors.

November 15, 1982.  The Automation Task Force established subcommittees to cover various areas: public catalog/reference. acquisitions, serials, and cataloging/circulation/ILL



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