2 1971
In March, 1971, Hill Library became the official location of the CLIC Coordinator’s office.

Work on developing interlibrary loan service among CLIC libraries and the University of Minnesota continued. Minimal service between CLIC and the University began in September, 1971; Hill Library purchased a van and paid the courier’s salary. CLIC was responsible for van maintenance and repair, garage fees, and mileage.
On April 13, 1971, the centralized union catalog service located at the Hill Library began operations. The CLIC Union Catalog of Books was a main entry union card catalog representing over one million volumes held by the eight CLIC libraries. The catalog was created by microfilming shelf lists of the libraries and then reproducing catalog cards from the microfilm. Cards were then interfiled by main entry. The catalog was housed in a rotating powerfile. The file was updated by catalog cards sent once a month to the union catalog by member libraries as they added new materials to their collections. Member libraries kept copies of cards submitted.

As CLIC services expanded membership fees, i.e. dues became a significant matter. Annually formulas for dues apportionment and budget discussions continue to be a formidable matter to the present day.
Grants also supported CLIC’s work. September 8, 1971, minutes mention that CLIC was awarded an HEW Title II federal grant of $50,000. An acquisitions committee was chosen to set up guidelines for selection and approval of expensive materials to be purchased. A major portion of the monies were to be spent on periodical backruns. On March 1, 1972, the Board voted on the proposed list of purchases. A stamp to be used to identify these grant purchases was approved in May, 1972.
In September, 1971, Elizabeth (Beth) Kelly replaced Stephen Plumb as CLIC Coordinator. Secretarial responsibilities for the Board became part of her duties.
During the early 1970’s cooperation was a major concern of libraries and library systems.
The University of Minnesota was interested in cooperating with other libraries,
MINITEX (Minnesota Information Teletype Exchange) was established. The local seminary libraries were exploring mutual interests. The MELSA (Metropolitan Library Service Agency) director came to a CLIC board meeting to discuss mutual concerns and cooperation.
CLIC negotiated with University of Minnesota Libraries and achieved an agreement of cooperation in September, 1971. A delivery system for requested materials, rules, and fees for service were established.
A cooperative agreement with St. Paul Public Library was also accepted and became effective in January, 1972.