
Article V — Board of Director Meetings





shall meet at the call of the Board Chair or any three (3) members of the Board. Regular meetings may annually be set by the Board as well.


1)     Agenda: An agenda shall be sent to each member at least five (5) days prior to the regular meeting of the Board. Matters of an emergency nature not on the agenda may be considered at the time of the meeting by consent of three-fourths of all directors present.

2)     Quorum: A quorum at any meeting of members of the Board shall consist of a majority of the elected Board of Directors.

3) Public: The meetings of the Board at which official action is taken shall be open to the public except as authorized by law.

4) Expenditures: Drafts may be written against NWSC funds only for expenditures properly approved by the Board. The drafts shall be signed by either the facsimile signatures of the Executive Director and the Treasurer or the manual signatures of the Executive Director and Treasurer.

5) Legal Action: The Board may prosecute in its name and defend or settle action brought by or against it.

6) Fees and other Revenues: The Board may make reasonable charges for its services rendered to members and non-members. The Board may also receive for its benefit contributions from members, bequests, donations, gifts, and shared appropriations for any purpose designated by the Board. Grants, fees, and service or product income are also deemed as NWSC revenue sources.

7) Insurance: The Board shall procure insurance against liability of the Board and of its officers and employees for damages resulting from wrongful acts and omissions of the Board, and its officers, and employees, whether or not the acts or omissions relate to governmental or proprietary functions of the Board. Insofar as this insurance relates to governmental functions of the Board, the policy of insurance shall contain a provision under which the insurance company agrees to waive the defense of governmental immunity up to the limits of the policy unless the Board consents to the assertion of the defense.

(B) CALLING SPECIAL BOARD OF DIRECTOR MEETINGS: Special Board meetings shall meet at the call of the Chair or any three (3) Members of the Board.


  1. ANNUAL MEETING: Shall be conducted annually, in January, for the NWSC members, and may be held in conjunction with the annual organization of the Board Officers and annual business of the NWSC.


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