
Article III — Membership



A. FULL MEMBERSHIP: Full membership in the NWSC is limited to Public Schools, Cities, Counties, and Other Governmental Agencies as defined in Minnesota Statutes 123A.21 and 471.59, who pay membership service fees as determined by the Board of Directors. Participation and voting privileges in the governance of the NWSC is limited to full members. Beyond basic membership services, members may elect to participate in special programs and services when paying fees proportionate to the extent of their participation in those special programs or services. No member shall be compelled to participate in any NWSC program or service.


B. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP FOR NON-PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS NOT QUALIFYING FOR FULL MEMBERSHIP: Associate membership is open to NWSC regional Non-Public Schools as well as Non-Profit Organizations and a limited number of For-Profit businesses seeking informal working partnerships with the NWSC. Associate members are entitled to copies of the  publications and notices of the NWSC to the same extent as full members. These limited associate members may not vote nor can they hold elective offices on the NWSC Board. Associate members and their personnel may participate in programs and services to the extent allowed by law. Non-Public Schools and other partnership agencies or organizations desiring associate membership shall pay an associate membership fee as determined by the NWSC Board of Directors. Any of these associate members electing to participate in special programs and or services shall pay the appropriate fees to the extent of their participation in the special program or service.


C.   ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, CITIES, COUNTIES, NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS  AND OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES: Associate membership is open to Public School Districts,  Cities,  Counties, and Other Governmental Agencies from other regions. As  per  state law,  these  members may belong to more than one Service Cooperative.  Associate  members  are entitled  to copies of the publications and notices of the NWSC to the same extent as full  members. These limited associate members may not vote nor can they hold elective offices on the NWSC Board. Associate members and their personnel may participate in programs and services to the extent allowed by law.  Non-Public  Schools  and other  partnership  agencies or organizations desiring associate membership shall pay an associate membership fee, as determined by the NWSC Board of Directors. Any of these associate members electing to participate in special programs and or services shall pay the appropriate fees to the extent of their participation in the special program or service.

D.   INITIATING MEMBERSHIP: Qualifying units will be admitted to membership upon passage of an appropriate resolution of the local Board/Council/Commission, signing the memorandum of agreement, the acceptance of the bylaws of the NWSC, and the payment of the proposed membership fees.

E.   WITHDRAWAL OF MEMBERSHIP: A member may elect to withdraw from participation in the NWSC and cause its representative to cease to function in any capacity upon six (6) months written notice to the Board of Directors; such notice to be accompanied by a certified copy of the appropriate resolution of the Board/Council/Commission of such member, authorizing and directing such withdrawal of such member. Any such withdrawal shall be conditional upon the following:

  • 1) Withdrawal shall be effective June 30 following receipt by the Board of Directors of written notification of the withdrawal by February 1st of the same year.
  • 2) The proportionate share of any expenses already certified to the withdrawing member for the current membership year shall be paid by the said member to the NWSC.


Northwest Service Cooperative Policy Manual and By-Laws Copyright © by Updated by the Northwest Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.