
Article II –Establishment of the Northwest Service Cooperative




A.  SYSTEM CREATED: The NWSC is a public agency established pursuant to Session Law 1976, 123.58, Minnesota Statutes as well as 1995 legislative public law and written agreements (hereinafter called “The Agreement”) entered into by Members. The geographical boundaries of the NWSC shall coincide with Region One and Region Two as identified in Governor’s Executive Order 8, dated September 1, 1971, and 59, dated May 29, 1973, issued pursuant to the Regional Development Act of 1969, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.381 to 462.397, with the following exceptions:


(1)  Existing school district boundaries shall not be altered as a result of this act.

(2)  The entire governmental unit shall be a member if the central administrative office for that unit falls within the NWSC.


B.  PURPOSE: The general purpose of the NWSC is to assist members with multi­ agency programs, services, and training to the extent those cooperative efforts may provide efficient and effective development or distribution of the same.

Further, the purpose of the NWSC shall be consistent with enabling legislation providing for its creations (M.S. 123A.21).

The primary purpose of the NWSC shall be to perform planning on a regional basis and to assist in meeting the specific needs of its members which can better be provided by a Service Cooperative than by the members themselves. The NWSC will provide those programs and services which are determined, pursuant to 123A.21 Sub. 7 to be priority needs of the region and will assist in meeting special needs which arise from fundamental constraints upon individual members.

It is also understood that the NWSC may provide administrative, purchasing, data, and other services and programs to Cities, Counties, and Other Governmental Agencies pursuant to M.S. 1990, section 123.58, as amended.

The NWSC shall, to the extent possible, make technical assistance for long-range planning available to members upon request.


Northwest Service Cooperative Policy Manual and By-Laws Copyright © by Updated by the Northwest Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.