
506–Learners Standard and Discipline for the Educational Television Network Conference Room

POLICY:  506

ADOPTED:  November 2002

Revised:  July 2003




The two-way interactive telecommunications classes are provided to enhance and enrich the curriculum.  Learners shall not be required to take courses offered via telecommunications.  Exemplary behavioral and academic standards of the learners in classes are mandatory as we attempt to use ITV technology to meet the unique educational needs of the learners.  The following rules and discipline are agreed upon by the participating schools and agencies:



(A) Insubordination of any kind will not be tolerated.  Insubordination is defined as anything that interferes with teaching or learning in the classroom.

(B) Classroom procedures must be followed:

  1.        Learners must sit within camera view at all times.
  2.        Learners must not play with the equipment in the classroom.
  3.        No food or drink will be allowed in the classroom with-out approval of the ITV person in charge.
  4.        Inappropriate language, gestures or disruptions of the class will not be tolerated.
  5.        Learners must follow all other rules as specified by the host instructor.

(C) The following procedure will be followed for students who cannot follow the above listed rules:

  1.        FIRST INFRACTION:  The learner will be given a verbal warning and then told that his/her parent/guardian will be notified by letter of the infraction.  The learner will first write a note of the infraction to the Executive Director.  Appropriate conference procedures will be established with the levels of administration and participants.
  2.        SECOND INFRACTION:  The learner will be removed from the class for the duration of the course after appropriate conference steps have been completed.
  3.        SEVERE INFRACTION (other than the A and B infractions):  The learner will be removed from the class immediately.  The learner may then be removed for the duration of the course after appropriate steps have been completed.


If an instructor requires a learner signature, the following will apply:

Each learner must sign the form.  Signing the form indicates that the learner has read the rules, discipline and enforcement procedures and agrees to abide by those rules and procedures.  The signed form must be returned to the instructor prior to the beginning of the class.


Learner Signature:                                                                                          Date:


Site Instructor:                                                                                                Date:



MEMO:  Said policy to be applied as per applicable current State statutes allow.


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