
423–Substitute Employees

POLICY:  423

ADOPTED:  October 2002

Revised:  July 2003






On occasion, some job assignments may require a substitute to be used in the event of an agency employee’s absence.  Job duties will affect the determination of the application of this policy.



Before a program coordinator authorizes the use of a substitute, the Executive Director shall annually be advised of the upcoming program staff needs.  The Executive Director will annually act on the proposed use of substitutes.

  1. Positions such as Adult Education may likely be considered in the event classes are not able to be re-scheduled.
  2. Many positions do not afford the opportunity for a substitute to work in the absence of the agency employee.
  3. Extended absence of an employee may affect the Director’s decision to hire a temporary or substitute in some job circumstances.



Any person performing job duties as a substitute or temporary will be compensated at a daily or hourly rate set by the Governing Board or Executive Director.  No employee will be allowed to pay their own substitutes.  All W-4 payroll applications will be followed for these substitutes.


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