
415–Internet, Computer, and Equipment Usage

POLICY:  415

ADOPTED: June 2003

Revised:  July 2003






The Internet offers a wealth of information resources for employees of the Northwest Service Cooperative.  Like any tool, the Internet may be misused.  Although there are many valuable resources on the Internet that can improve the services and productivity of the SC, there are many forms of inappropriate material that are unrelated to the educational purpose of the SC.  Internet access and computer use is the responsibility of the individual user.  Misuse of the Internet, computer, or equipment may lead to revocation of the employee, or agent’s Internet access and possible discipline, including loss of credit, or discharge, and/or criminal prosecution.



This policy shall apply to all users of SC Internet access, computers and equipment, including but not limited to, staff, administrators, support staff, agents and board members.  This policy shall apply to the use of the SC Internet access provided by any means..



The information, communication, processing and storage resources provided by the SC are the sole property of the SC.  Files, data and other communication created, originating from, or stored on SC hardware, software, computer disks or other electronic systems are also the property of the SC.  Equipment and software leased from others by the SC are considered SC property for the purposes of this policy.  SC ownership and control over their systems shall apply regardless of how and where a user accesses SC systems.



The SC can and will inspect information and files stored, processed or communicated by or through its information systems without further notice to users.  Users of the SC computers, equipment and Internet access through the SC shall have no expectation of privacy related to such use.



All SC systems, equipment and Internet access must be used for business-related and/or educational purposes.

Users shall not use the SC computers, equipment, internal or external E-mail or Internet access for any of the following purposes:

  1. To access, upload, download, transmit, receive, or distribute pornographic, obscene, abusive, or sexually explicit materials or materials containing unclothed or partially clothed people.


  1. To transmit or receive obscene, abusive or sexually explicit language or profanity.


  1. To violate any local, state or federal law or engage in any type of illegal activities.


  1. To vandalize, damage or disable the property of another person or organization.


  1. To access the materials, information or files of another person or organization without permission.


  1. To violate any applicable state, federal, and international copyright, trademark or intellectual property laws and regulations or otherwise use another person’s or organization’s property without prior approval or proper attribution consistent with copyright laws, including unauthorized downloading or exchanging of pirated or otherwise unlawful software or copying software to or from any SC computer.


  1. To engage in any form of gambling.


  1. To engage in any type of harassment or discrimination, including but not limited to sexual harassment and harassment or discrimination based upon race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, marital status, status with respect to public assistance, disability or any other type of harassment or discrimination prohibited by law and SC policy.


  1. To engage in any type of commercial enterprise unrelated to the specific purposes and needs of the SC.


  1. To engage in any form of solicitation without the consent of the Executive Director or his/her designee of the SC.


  1. To promote any political or private causes, or other activities that are not related to the business purpose of the SC.


  1. To enter into financial or contractual obligations without the prior express written consent of the SC. Any financial or contractual obligation entered into by a user without express prior consent of the SC shall be the sole responsibility of the user.


  1. To review or access any materials related to obtaining or using any controlled substances or products such as alcohol which may not lawfully be used or consumed by minors, without the express permission of the SC Executive Director or his/her designee.


  1. To advocate or access information advocating any type of unlawful violence, vandalism, or illegal activity, without the express prior consent of the SC Executive Director or his/her designee.


  1. For employees to engage in job search activities outside the SC.



  1. Users shall not use any Internet access or service provider other than the access or service provider that is supplied and made available to the user by the SC.


  1. Users should only use software, including but not limited to E-mail applications and web browsers, that is supplied by the SC.


  1. Users shall not install hardware or software on SC systems without the express prior permission of the SC.


  1. Users shall not access, modify or delete the files belonging to other users. Users shall use only the user names provided by the SC.


  1. Users are discouraged from receiving E-mail with attached files or enclosures greater than two megabytes in size without the permission of their immediate supervisor. Users may not forward E-mail chain letters.  Users may not subscribe to receive E-mail from news groups or list services without the permission of their immediate supervisor.


  1. FTP (File Transfer Protocols)
  • Users shall not open files received from the Internet without first conducting a virus scan of the file.
  • Users shall not transfer files using SC Internet access without the approval of the SC.


  1. All use of the computers, equipment and Internet access of the SC shall be in compliance with all other SC policies.


  1. Student access shall be subject to such additional rules, limitations and conditions as may be set by their instructor(s).


  1. Employee access shall be subject to such additional rules, limitations and conditions as may be set by their supervisor(s).



Every user must maintain the security of SC information systems.  Users shall not divulge passwords or security protocols to anyone outside the SC.  Users shall not permit non-employees/unauthorized users to use their passwords or the SC Internet access.

E-mail communications are vulnerable to interception.  Confidential information shall not be transmitted via E-mail.



Violations of this policy shall result in discipline up to and including discharge, suspension, expulsion, loss of credit.  Additionally, violations of this policy may subject the violator to criminal prosecution under federal and/or state law and civil liability.  The SC reserves the right to limit or remove any user’s access to SC Internet access at any time for any reason.




  1. While the SC has adopted and shall enforce this policy to the extent practicable, it does not have the resources or technical capability to ensure complete compliance by its users, who shall be responsible for following the terms of this policy.


  1. The SC shall not assume, and hereby expressly disclaims, liability for the misuse of its computers, equipment or Internet access, which violates this policy or any law.


  1. The SC expressly disclaims any liability resulting from any of the following:
  • Financial obligations resulting from the use of SC accounts to access the Internet or any other financial obligation entered into on behalf of the SC by any authorized individual;
  • Damage to property used to access SC computers, networks, equipment or online resources;
  • Information received through SC computers, equipment, online resources or networks.
  • Damage, injuries, or improper communications resulting from contact between individuals, through the Internet, e-mail, or use of SC equipment, computers, or systems.



All users of SC Internet access must read this policy and agree to the terms of the applicable SC Internet, Computer and Equipment Use Agreement as indicated by their signature on the applicable Use Agreement.  The agreement signed by each user shall be kept in the office of the Executive Director or his/her designee of the SC.


Employee Signature:






Northwest Service Cooperative Policy Manual and By-Laws Copyright © by Updated by the Northwest Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.