
411–Use of Company Vehicles

POLICY:  411

ADOPTED:  September 2002

Revised:  July 2003






It is understood that the service nature of this agency will cause most employees to frequently drive to perform other duties of the NWSC.



Agency vehicles will be used in accordance to the policy as follows:


  1. Whenever possible, vehicles will be checked out to personnel who travel as part of the employee’s job assignment. These vehicles are to be maintained as one would maintain his or her own personal vehicle.  The vehicles are to be plugged in during cold weather, washed, vacuumed, the oil should be checked, etc.  Any problems should be reported immediately to the Vehicle Maintenance/Warehouse Coordinator.


  1. NWSC Vehicles are available on a first come basis. An exception may be granted by the Executive Director, however, when a vehicle is later requested by an employee needing to travel a significantly greater distance than the employee(s) who earlier requested the vehicle.  When vehicles are returned to the office they shall have a minimum of ½ tank of gas.  Driving logs are found in each vehicle.  These logs must be filled out at the start and end of each travel period.


  1. Use of Personal Car: Mileage will be reimbursed at the going rate if no company car is available.  If a company car is available, employee will be paid half the going rate when using their own vehicle.


  1. All NWSC vehicles will be stored at the company office/garage site. No vehicles will be assigned to an employees’ residence.


  1. Should a circumstance cause any personal miles on a company vehicle, the employee must reimburse the NWSC for its cost, at the current IRS mileage allowable reimbursement rate, within seven days of such use.


  1. All NWSC vehicles will be stored at the company office/garage site. No vehicles will be assigned to an employees’ residence.


Northwest Service Cooperative Policy Manual and By-Laws Copyright © by Updated by the Northwest Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.