
407–Employment Issues


ADOPTED:            September 2002

Revised:          July 2003, July 2004





This policy governs the employment relationship between the Northwest Service Cooperative and its employees.  All employees are responsible for reviewing this policy and complying with its terms and conditions.  All employees are at-will employees.



(1) JOB DESCRIPTIONS: At the time of employment, all personnel will normally be given a copy of the job description for their position. Employees are expected to satisfactorily perform the duties of their position.

(2) EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT: At the beginning of employment, employees will receive an Employment Agreement providing the terms and conditions of employment.  This Agreement represents the complete understanding between the employee and Northwest Service Cooperative with respect to employment with the Cooperative.

(3) PERSONNEL RECORDS: The Northwest Service Cooperative is required to collect and maintain certain information on employees of the Cooperative.  Personnel records will be maintained by the Executive Director’s office.  Most personnel records are considered private personnel data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes § 13.01 et seq.) and are not available for public inspection.  An employee may have access to his or her own personnel file at reasonable times.


  1. Probationary Employees. All employees who have not completed three full months of employment with the Northwest Service Cooperative are probationary employees.  Probationary employees will be evaluated in writing by their immediate supervisor for proficiency of skills, attitude, punctuality, and other factors affecting the employee’s ability to effectively perform his or her job.  This evaluation will occur at least once (1) during the first three (3) months of employment.  Unsatisfactory performance during the probationary period will result in termination of employment.  Subsequent written evaluations will occur at six (6) months and one year of employment.
  2. Other Employees. Employees who have completed one (1) year of employment with the Cooperative will be evaluated annually in writing by their immediate supervisor(s), or at the discretion of the employee’s supervisor.
  3. Complaints, Commendations and Evaluations. The following guidelines apply to the inclusion of letters of complaint, commendation, suggestion or evaluation in an employee’s personnel file:
  • The document must be signed by the person making the complaint, commendation or suggestion, or performing the evaluation; and
  • Prior to the placement of the document in the employee’s personnel file, the Executive Director or the employee’s supervisor will notify the employee that (i) he or she may review the document and respond to it in writing and (ii) that any response will be placed in the employee’s personnel file; and
  • The employee will be given an opportunity to sign a form stating that he or she was given a chance to review the document and respond to it prior to having it included in his or her personnel file.
  • Documents including private educational data on a student, private personnel data on another employee, or other private or confidential data on individuals other than the employee will not be placed in an employee’s personnel file.


  1. Resignation. Employees who wish to be released from their Employment Agreement shall submit a written letter of resignation two (2) weeks prior to their proposed release date.
  2. Termination. Any employee may be terminated during the term of their Employment Agreement for any reason.  If the termination is due to the employee’s incompetence, insubordination, and/or misconduct, the employee may appeal the decision to the Executive Director or Board Chair in writing within five (5) days of notice of the decision.  The employee can also request to be suspended with pay for up to two (2) weeks during the appeal.  The Executive Director or Board Chair has the discretion to decide whether to grant the employee’s request for a suspension with pay during the appeal.  The Executive Director or Board Chair will meet with the employee to discuss the decision.  After consultation with the Executive Director or the Board Chair, the employee may appeal the decision in writing to the Board of Directors.  Action of the Board of Directors is final.


III. HEALTH AND SAFETY: The NWSC considers safety protection a very important part of the daily agency operations. The agency will strive to provide appropriate safety information and training to the staff.


Northwest Service Cooperative Policy Manual and By-Laws Copyright © by Updated by the Northwest Service Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.